
:boot-clj: — build tooling for Clojure. Dev chat in #boot-dev
vinnyataide 2019-01-19T12:06:21.235700Z

i just created a hoplon project using the hoplon template, when I run boot dev maven is requiring all versions of clojure, been like 5mins of downloading...


Hey — anybody know of a way to avoid this? Classpath conflict: org.clojure/tools.reader version 0.7.2 already loaded, ALSO loading version 1.3.2


boot show -d is not showing anything else adding version 0.7.2, just showing [org.clojure/tools.reader "1.3.2"] and a few deps with org.clojure/tools.reader in the exclusions


I auto-generated a project.clj which contains the deps from my build.boot and did lein deps :tree but same result of not showing anything interesting. That said, lein is picking the right version (1.3.2)

flyboarder 2019-01-19T23:45:11.239300Z

@vinnyataide it should only be downloading the pom files and this will only happen with boot on first-run, the next version will improve this drastically

flyboarder 2019-01-19T23:45:54.239700Z

@alexandergunnarson you are looking for boot show -p


Thanks @flyboarder!

👍 1