@dave I’m running in an empty directory just to make sure boot starts ATM. ~/.boot/boot.properties look like
@flyboarder Downloading and running boot 2.8.2 is what I tried first. I only started looking into compiling the latest version when I found that I couldn’t get it to run. =(
your issue could be the old version of clojure you are using
So, I tried running boot 2.8.2 in a clean ubuntu bionic image. That works without issue. =(
but running in my normal work environment, osx, it’s still a no go. I’ve also tried cleaning out the maven cache.
is ubuntu running Java 11?
I would bump clojure to 1.9 on java 11 and see what happens
oh hang on… I did something incredibly stupid… which @dave pointed out. If I just removed profile.boot, boot started working. x_x
I thought it might have been something silly I did. Thanks for pointing things out for me, everyone! 😃
@odie what did your previous profile.boot have in it?
@flyboarder looks like it was spyscope that was causing the issue.
Both 0.1.6 and 0.1.7 breaks things
Looks like spyscope depends on an old version of fipp which is know to cause the issue.
Yay, we tracked down the underlying issue 🙂