Hi! Has anyone ever used boot to deploy artifacts in GitLab? Their repo doesn't support username/password auth but requires a token to be sent via HTTP header. See documentation at https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/packages/maven_repository/#authenticating-with-a-personal-access-token
Does boot support that?
Apparently not: https://github.com/cemerick/pomegranate/issues/111
I don’t believe so, however you should be able to implement this as a task
How would you approach that? Just a vague outline to give me an idea. That'd be helpful.
I would look at the existing push task and see if you can simply modify it for additional auth mechanisms
Thanks. I did that and it essentially reaches out to Maven libraries via pomegranate. I didn't see anything where I could sneak different auth in.
@ska so does pomegranate support other options?
The way I understand the code at https://github.com/cemerick/pomegranate/blob/master/src/main/clojure/cemerick/pomegranate/aether.clj#L181 and in that area in general, no it doesn't. Of course I can be wrong.