
:boot-clj: — build tooling for Clojure. Dev chat in #boot-dev
javahippie 2020-03-29T11:59:40.003600Z

Hi 👋 I am trying to build my project with boot on GitHub actions. Has anybody successfully achieved this? I tried it manually, as well as with the “DeLaGuardo/setup-clojure@2.0” action, but when I run boot test, the pipeline always states java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: _No such task (test)_ . When I am running boot test locally, everything works. Unfortunately the repository is not public, what would be a good way of debugging this? I have also tried to find other GitHub Repositories using the DeLaGuardo action, but the few that use boot also have failing pipelines.

javahippie 2020-03-29T12:00:29.003700Z

This is the action file I created

javahippie 2020-03-29T12:01:49.005200Z

And the build.boot file has the default setup with (require '[adzerk.boot-test :refer [test]]). Maybe this would also be a good addition to the boot wiki, there are proven build setups for CircleCI and TravisCI already in there.

javahippie 2020-03-29T12:13:06.006200Z

Just after pasting this, I realized, that I forgot a step to check out my repository. No wonder, the task could not be found :woman-facepalming:. Sorry for that.
