I get that too. Are you on Windows?
No, I'm using Linux Mint.
@ordoflammae i think the issue is that something on boot's classpath is trying to do logging, but there is no logger configured
i've silenced it before by adding [org.slf4j/slf4j-nop "2.0.0-alpha1"]
to my dependencies. it's a "no-op" logger
OK, thanks @dave.
What is the difference between :resource-paths and :asset-paths? Wouldn't they be the same?
i can never remember the distinction between all the different kinds of paths
sean corfield has an excellent writeup here: https://corfield.org/blog/2018/04/18/all-the-paths/
Thanks, that looks really helpful.
Maybe resource-paths are on the CLASSPATH?
:woohoo: I am smart. S M R T!