
:boot-clj: — build tooling for Clojure. Dev chat in #boot-dev
cpmcdaniel 2020-04-03T18:13:42.020600Z

boot doesn't seem to be reading my ./ how can I verify this?

cpmcdaniel 2020-04-03T18:14:55.021Z

Trying to set BOOT_JVM_OPTIONS='-Dclojure.server.repl="{:port 5555 :accept clojure.core.server/repl}"' there, but it doesn't seem to work

cpmcdaniel 2020-04-03T18:15:54.021300Z

oh, maybe this doesn't make sense to do it this way...

cpmcdaniel 2020-04-03T18:18:36.021500Z

I see the socket-server task

cpmcdaniel 2020-04-03T18:18:43.021700Z

but it isn't working

cpmcdaniel 2020-04-03T18:19:01.022Z

it prints Socket server started on port 5555 on host and exits

cpmcdaniel 2020-04-03T18:26:56.022400Z

ok, adding wait task at the end of my command line solved it

cpmcdaniel 2020-04-03T18:27:17.022700Z

boot socket-server -p 5555 -a clojure.core.server/repl wait