When boot build target -d target
is several times slower than "normal"/expected on macOS, what's the most common things people investigate? Does having 10GB test data in project directory impact something like that? I'm taking a simple measurement of build time now, but it's several minutes, whereas 15 seconds to complete. I'm obviously doing something wrong 🙂lein uberjar
10GB in your project? OMG that would probably murder the hard drive, boot tasks copy the project dir to their own temp folder, this could result in huge hard drive usage
you should probably break up the project into smaller modules
unless the test data is something like a database, then you just need to filter the fileset to remove it
Thanks, but I tested this without having the test data in the project base dir.
Additionally, target dir is ~23 MB so I don't think it's copying those 10GB test data.
Unless it's copying and discarding of course. This is on nvme drives, so it takes ~20s to copy that data.
$ /usr/bin/time boot build target -d target
Compiling 1/1 test-proj.core...
Writing pom.xml and pom.properties...
Adding uberjar entries...
Writing test-proj-0.1.0.jar...
Writing target dir(s)...
1632.47 real 40.66 user 364.85 sys