@rafd That change you pushed is borken. All I get now is a blank browser tab - no login fields.
@jamesnvc: poke raf
Oops, I'll roll that back
@meow: usable now?
Hey everyone, has the issue of being able to scroll left and right with moving the mouse wheel up and down been brought up before?
I don’t think so
So, when you move the mouse wheel and you’re not on a conversation, scroll horizontally?
@jamesnvc: Nope. Still get a blank tab.
hmm... my change was just some css, shouldn't have borked... may be something else
any errors in console?
@meow: ^
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier chat.js:464
Uncaught ReferenceError: chat is not defined
for <https://chat.leanpixel.com/>
@meow: try a hard refresh?
what is a hard refresh?
hold shift and click on the refresh button
that worked
well, I closed the tab and opened a new one...
k, i'm rolling forward to the latest release again
let me know if the previous issue (the one you made the screenshot for) still exists
@rafd: ^ Still cuts off part of my user image and username
I’m getting this error when trying to get dev environment set up
cause Could not locate aws/sdk/s3__init.class or aws/sdk/s3.clj on classpath.
When I run lein repl in the braid git
joshua's issue was resolved (updated the git repo to fix the issue)
thanks everyone!