meow 2016-03-14T01:28:30.000015Z

@martinklepsch: We've bumped up the priority for fixing whatever this problem is and making it easier in the future. Again, sorry about the delay.


@martinklepsch: hey martin, very sorry this isn't working for you, I am looking into it


the email in the database matches the one in your profile; if you want to scrypt your password & send me the hash, I can update it in the db for you


We really need password resets soon >_<


you can generate said hash by starting a repl with lein try crypto-password and doing

(require '[crypto.password.scrypt :refer [encrypt]])
(encrypt "my new password")

meow 2016-03-14T04:14:09.000021Z

@jamesnvc: Can we put those scrypt instructions in the invite email and on the login page?

meow 2016-03-14T04:14:57.000022Z

@jamesnvc: TYVM, 💌 and all that jazz... 🎉