grounded_sage 2016-03-23T15:01:29.000045Z

Where does the Braid system sit when compared to the new untangled web framework. Wondering whether there is a possibility to align with Untangled to benefit from more open source contributors. Just a thought.

grounded_sage 2016-03-23T15:04:00.000046Z

I also really need to up my knowledge with ClojureScript & Om. Is learning React from the official website that critical or can you sufficiently get by just picking up Om? Then learning React later.

rafd 2016-03-23T15:17:44.000047Z

Braid uses, Untangled is; (Braid was started before was a thing) I'm still on the fence with (built a few small projects with it), I'm actually leaning more towards reagent, but TBD... works fine

rafd 2016-03-23T15:20:21.000048Z

Untangled is a bit too early to be able to decide yet, if anything, we can use similar libraries; also, I tend to prefer libraries over frameworks

rafd 2016-03-23T15:27:02.000049Z

IMO priorities for Braid are first-time user experience, polish, and soon... extensions and mobile clients

rafd 2016-03-23T15:27:49.000050Z

I want to avoid refactoring the entire code-base to use <new-lib> with no end-user benefit just yet

rafd 2016-03-23T15:28:21.000051Z

but I'm open to it, it's just not on my personal roadmap

rafd 2016-03-23T15:29:25.000052Z

re: React, I learned it by using Om. It may be worth scanning through their intro docs, especially with regards to the component lifecycle.

rafd 2016-03-23T15:30:51.000053Z

(I had a friend ask me for help with React a few months ago, and I figured... since I'd been using om for over a year at that point, I should be able to help... heh... barely... stock React does so little (ex. with regards to shouldComponentUpdate, which om takes care of for you))

rafd 2016-03-23T15:30:58.000054Z

@grounded_sage: ^

grounded_sage 2016-03-23T15:42:26.000055Z

OK thanks for the tips. I'll remember to check out component lifecycle. re: Untangled was just a thought I'm going to be looking into it for my personal projects I'm sure it will help me a lot. Interested in your views on the whole Reagent vs Om thing as well.

grounded_sage 2016-03-23T15:44:32.000056Z

Also I totally get your point on just getting things in a much more nicer place before doing any major refactors.

rafd 2016-03-23T17:52:27.000057Z

re: Untangled, if you're still new to all the components, it can be easier to understand them by starting with one (say, om) and then adding the others on as you need them...

grounded_sage 2016-03-23T20:04:05.000058Z

Yea That's the plan :) I'm not doing a serious look into it as its not stable yet and I wouldn't understand any of it. But it's good to get an idea of a future path. Like if I wanted to use/learn Luminus I would learn Reagent instead of Om.

rafd 2016-03-23T20:23:56.000059Z

btw @grounded_sage if you ever want to pair with James or I, just let us know