hey folks! I'm curious as to your experience with Immutant and if you would recommend it: https://github.com/braidchat/meta/issues/380
Hey is anyone here able to give me some pointers on Github?
@grounded_sage: I'm here, still need help?
I've submitted a pull request for moving user invites. https://github.com/braidchat/braid/pull/7 However I got stuck with the whole updating my forked repo and working on a branch thing. 1. Not sure how to properly open up my text editor on a specific branch. 2. Not sure how to run the server etc on that branch.
I had done it earlier. When I was playing around figuring it all out. When I got it I saved the working file and then deleted my folder and re-downloaded it from my own fork.
To try and work on my own fork etc.
would you mind if we use screenhero? it will be the fastest way to debug
i sent you an invite
Ok do I need to download something for that?
Just waiting on that to come through... I'm going to quickly grab some food as I haven't eaten yet and it's like 2pm here.
i was actually about to head to bed... re: your questions:
you can change the branch your repository is on through terminal (or SourceTree if you use a GUI)
git checkout branch-name
this will change the files in your project folder to be those in the branch
if you have figwheel running, it should automatically pick up the changes
if there are server changes, then you need to run (start-server! 5555)
from the repl again
you typically don't need to restart your REPLs (unless the dependencies changed in project.clj)
if you're new to git, I recommend: https://www.sourcetreeapp.com/
Ok sorry. It's fine we can Sceenhero another time. I'll work on some other issues. :simple_smile:
thanks for the PR, I'll give it a test when I get up tomorrow
Ok I wasn't running dev environment during making new branch etc. Now I know it just works. So if I open files in my text editor that will be from the branch?
Awesome. No problems then
what editor are you using?
cool. one thing to double check, b/c I haven't used it, is whether it detects the file has changed from elsewhere
probably does, but worth a sanity check
(ie change a file in another editor and see if spacemacs picks up on the changes automatically)
In meantime I can always close and restart it if it doesn't. I would assume it would though.
i'd test out to see what it does
vim for example doesn't do it for me automatically ( but it does warn me when I try to save that the file was changed since I last opened)
yep it auto updates
also tells me what branch I am on
there's probably a way to do checkouts from within spacemacs
There's a lot of things I can do. Just doing it in small bite sized pieces so I don't blow everything up haha
The only other issue I have is figuring out how to work from within the repl. Like going into a file and playing around with functions etc. Sometimes I can get it sometimes I don't.
But we can do that another time. Don't want to keep you up.
if its the clj repl, you can go into a namespace with (ns the.namespace)
for cljs, its (in-ns 'the.namespace)
let me know when you decide what feature to work on next; I have another new contributor and will need to balance splitting the easy-ish tasks between you two
Ok what timezone are they? Because I am going to maybe work on another one but now sure yet. If the he/she is in here I can probably talk communicate directly as well.
same as me, EST; I will get him to join
Ok no worries. Anyways I'm off to grab a bite. Thanks for the help!
np, enjoy
@grounded_sage: I will also invite you to our Asana project; you don't keep checking it and you could turn email updates off if you like, it just lets me mark tasks as belonging to you (and sync that w/ github)
no probs
I noticed we have moved to Garden which is pretty awesome.
Though I did I complete redownload on the files and there is now an error when getting it all set up. Seems to be the same error I got when I opened page without building the Less files. Had a solid look around but it's a bit hard for me to work out where to start with fixing it.
@grounded_sage: close any browser tabs you have open with the project
then restart figwheel
oops, figwheel was still set to watch the css directory (which does not exist anymore) --- pull the latest master and try again
haha hope I didnt wake you
I'm still getting the same error 😕