rafd 2016-04-03T01:43:53.000076Z

hey folks! I'm curious as to your experience with Immutant and if you would recommend it:

grounded_sage 2016-04-03T02:51:52.000078Z

Hey is anyone here able to give me some pointers on Github?

rafd 2016-04-03T04:16:49.000079Z


rafd 2016-04-03T04:17:07.000080Z

@grounded_sage: I'm here, still need help?

grounded_sage 2016-04-03T04:17:20.000081Z

I've submitted a pull request for moving user invites. However I got stuck with the whole updating my forked repo and working on a branch thing. 1. Not sure how to properly open up my text editor on a specific branch. 2. Not sure how to run the server etc on that branch.

grounded_sage 2016-04-03T04:18:41.000083Z

I had done it earlier. When I was playing around figuring it all out. When I got it I saved the working file and then deleted my folder and re-downloaded it from my own fork.

grounded_sage 2016-04-03T04:19:01.000084Z

To try and work on my own fork etc.

rafd 2016-04-03T04:20:54.000085Z

would you mind if we use screenhero? it will be the fastest way to debug

rafd 2016-04-03T04:21:27.000086Z

i sent you an invite

grounded_sage 2016-04-03T04:21:31.000087Z

Ok do I need to download something for that?

grounded_sage 2016-04-03T04:21:32.000088Z


rafd 2016-04-03T04:21:34.000089Z


grounded_sage 2016-04-03T04:22:40.000090Z

Just waiting on that to come through... I'm going to quickly grab some food as I haven't eaten yet and it's like 2pm here.

rafd 2016-04-03T04:23:05.000091Z

i was actually about to head to bed... re: your questions:

rafd 2016-04-03T04:23:34.000092Z

you can change the branch your repository is on through terminal (or SourceTree if you use a GUI)

rafd 2016-04-03T04:23:41.000093Z

git checkout branch-name

rafd 2016-04-03T04:23:55.000094Z

this will change the files in your project folder to be those in the branch

rafd 2016-04-03T04:24:12.000095Z

if you have figwheel running, it should automatically pick up the changes

rafd 2016-04-03T04:24:41.000096Z

if there are server changes, then you need to run (start-server! 5555) from the repl again

rafd 2016-04-03T04:25:00.000097Z

you typically don't need to restart your REPLs (unless the dependencies changed in project.clj)

rafd 2016-04-03T04:25:19.000098Z

if you're new to git, I recommend:

grounded_sage 2016-04-03T04:25:33.000100Z

Ok sorry. It's fine we can Sceenhero another time. I'll work on some other issues. :simple_smile:

rafd 2016-04-03T04:25:50.000101Z

thanks for the PR, I'll give it a test when I get up tomorrow

grounded_sage 2016-04-03T04:26:52.000102Z

Ok I wasn't running dev environment during making new branch etc. Now I know it just works. So if I open files in my text editor that will be from the branch?

rafd 2016-04-03T04:26:59.000103Z


grounded_sage 2016-04-03T04:27:09.000104Z

Awesome. No problems then

rafd 2016-04-03T04:27:15.000105Z

what editor are you using?

grounded_sage 2016-04-03T04:27:26.000106Z


rafd 2016-04-03T04:27:52.000107Z

cool. one thing to double check, b/c I haven't used it, is whether it detects the file has changed from elsewhere

rafd 2016-04-03T04:28:12.000108Z

probably does, but worth a sanity check

rafd 2016-04-03T04:28:24.000109Z

(ie change a file in another editor and see if spacemacs picks up on the changes automatically)

grounded_sage 2016-04-03T04:28:39.000110Z

In meantime I can always close and restart it if it doesn't. I would assume it would though.

rafd 2016-04-03T04:29:26.000111Z

i'd test out to see what it does

rafd 2016-04-03T04:30:10.000112Z

vim for example doesn't do it for me automatically ( but it does warn me when I try to save that the file was changed since I last opened)

grounded_sage 2016-04-03T04:32:35.000113Z

yep it auto updates

grounded_sage 2016-04-03T04:32:47.000114Z

also tells me what branch I am on

rafd 2016-04-03T04:32:54.000115Z


rafd 2016-04-03T04:33:03.000116Z

there's probably a way to do checkouts from within spacemacs

grounded_sage 2016-04-03T04:33:46.000117Z

There's a lot of things I can do. Just doing it in small bite sized pieces so I don't blow everything up haha

grounded_sage 2016-04-03T04:34:43.000118Z

The only other issue I have is figuring out how to work from within the repl. Like going into a file and playing around with functions etc. Sometimes I can get it sometimes I don't.

grounded_sage 2016-04-03T04:34:59.000119Z

But we can do that another time. Don't want to keep you up.

rafd 2016-04-03T04:36:33.000120Z

if its the clj repl, you can go into a namespace with (ns the.namespace)

rafd 2016-04-03T04:36:51.000121Z

for cljs, its (in-ns 'the.namespace)

rafd 2016-04-03T04:38:01.000122Z

let me know when you decide what feature to work on next; I have another new contributor and will need to balance splitting the easy-ish tasks between you two

grounded_sage 2016-04-03T04:40:14.000123Z

Ok what timezone are they? Because I am going to maybe work on another one but now sure yet. If the he/she is in here I can probably talk communicate directly as well.

rafd 2016-04-03T04:40:46.000124Z

same as me, EST; I will get him to join

grounded_sage 2016-04-03T04:41:16.000125Z

Ok no worries. Anyways I'm off to grab a bite. Thanks for the help!

rafd 2016-04-03T04:42:04.000126Z

np, enjoy

rafd 2016-04-03T04:43:49.000127Z

@grounded_sage: I will also invite you to our Asana project; you don't keep checking it and you could turn email updates off if you like, it just lets me mark tasks as belonging to you (and sync that w/ github)

grounded_sage 2016-04-03T04:44:16.000128Z

no probs

grounded_sage 2016-04-03T06:39:37.000129Z

I noticed we have moved to Garden which is pretty awesome.

grounded_sage 2016-04-03T06:41:16.000130Z

Though I did I complete redownload on the files and there is now an error when getting it all set up. Seems to be the same error I got when I opened page without building the Less files. Had a solid look around but it's a bit hard for me to work out where to start with fixing it.

rafd 2016-04-03T06:44:51.000131Z

@grounded_sage: close any browser tabs you have open with the project

rafd 2016-04-03T06:45:21.000133Z

then restart figwheel

rafd 2016-04-03T06:47:47.000134Z

oops, figwheel was still set to watch the css directory (which does not exist anymore) --- pull the latest master and try again

grounded_sage 2016-04-03T06:50:52.000137Z

haha hope I didnt wake you

grounded_sage 2016-04-03T07:07:04.000138Z

I'm still getting the same error 😕