@richard are we ready to start promoting Async in Clojure as next week's topic? For me alternative CSP implementations sound really interesting (re:meetup suggestions)
:thinking_face: I thought we were going to look at Clojure / Python interop with https://github.com/cnuernber/libpython-clj because of Carin Meier's blog post - https://gigasquidsoftware.com/blog/2020/01/10/hugging-face-gpt-with-clojure/ 🤐 But we did discuss a lot of options. What alternative CSP implementations were you thinking?
Were you thinking of trying Maciej's await-cps? https://github.com/mszajna/await-cps
yeah I did forget to put the suggestion on http://meetup.com: https://www.meetup.com/Bristol-Clojurians/events/hdzjnrybcdbqb/ which is where the CSP suggestion is, I think if we have one topic per session we do need to pick one for next session then queue the rest