
Wednesdays you might find @U0ETXRFEW in the Gather Calva space. Invite is and the password is `Be kind`.
pez 2020-08-07T06:17:57.145400Z

Actually it didn't really work in 117 either. Or rather, it came at a price for other things not working.

pez 2020-08-07T07:09:52.147200Z

Anyone knows of some good getting-started-with-clojure articles? It was just brought to my attention that the one that points to is a bit all over the place.

pez 2020-08-08T07:41:40.164200Z

I think it is excellent. Extra good that you spent some time on scoping. That confused me a lot when I started.

dabrazhe 2020-08-08T15:08:36.168600Z

Great @orestis we need more like getting stared guides like this. Possibly focused on Calva. When I stared with Clojure it took me ages to setup dev environment with Atom. Calva is a breeze in comparison

pez 2020-08-08T15:39:42.168800Z

A Getting Clojure Up and Running Using Calva guide fits on me thinks. It could focus on just that, getting the tools together, and then we can link off to @orestis guide for the Getting Clojure part.

pez 2020-08-07T07:48:17.147400Z

It was apparently not so that pointed to the article n question. But some pointers to good getting started material would be welcome anyway.

mloughlin 2020-08-07T14:10:08.150Z

is there a way to eval a form in the REPL's current namespace from a .clj file that has no ns declaration? (Observed behavior is the form is evaluated in user namespace)

pez 2020-08-07T14:20:13.150700Z

No, but an issue about it would be welcome.

pez 2020-08-07T14:20:55.151600Z

You can cheat and put an ns form there, that's the only way currently.

mloughlin 2020-08-07T14:35:40.151800Z

thanks for the prompt reply 😄

pez 2020-08-07T15:00:00.153100Z

I'm rather keen on fixing that. It is the key to the fiddle files that i and @brandon.ringe want to enable.

mloughlin 2020-08-07T15:40:38.154Z

is a fiddle file for fiddling around? The Cognitect guys use ".repl" files for this kind of thing e.g

pez 2020-08-07T15:46:05.158800Z

Ah, cool. Wasn't aware of their use of that extension. We choose .repl-file for the output window, but maybe .repl makes more sense... Anyway, yes, that's what we mean. It was the dudes in the #clojuredesign-podcast who used the term fiddle files, and it has stuck with us.

👍 1
bringe 2020-08-07T16:16:52.159300Z

I do like the .repl as the file extension, both for the output file and the "fiddle" files that would be next to the respective source file

Cris B 2020-08-07T23:12:04.161900Z

When I had a first stab at Clojure earlier this year, I spent a couple of hours searching for getting started material and came away confused by the disparate approaches. I decided instead to just grab a book (Carin Meier's Living Clojure) and limit my attention to that for a while. Which is just to say I didn't at the time come up with a single getting started article I'd completely recommend. Many are out of date, and for a total beginner the tools deps vs leinigen choice is problematic (especially when you don't even know it's a choice!). From what I've seen since, I think the online books at are as good as anything else around, but they're of broader scope than just 'getting started'.