
Wednesdays you might find @U0ETXRFEW in the Gather Calva space. Invite is and the password is `Be kind`.
pez 2020-08-28T07:50:01.098600Z

Yes, Calva comes with default settings for Cloiure that auto-closes brackets. And Calva Paredit helps you retain the balance. Hitting tab cleans away most whitespace around the cursor (trying to not remove the whitespace you’ve put there on purpose).

verma 2020-08-28T17:31:21.100800Z

hey everyone, just a quick question, I am trying to use calva with neovim, has anyone here tried this? I am mostly wondering if I should make neovim work as I'd like with clojure (indentation, key strokes etc) or are these things controlled from within vscode+calva

bringe 2020-08-28T17:43:38.100900Z

Hello. This might help you:

verma 2020-08-28T18:00:27.101700Z

:thumbsup: I did give it a cursory look, but I will take a deeper look. Thanks!
