Does Calva sometimes push preview versions to the marketplace? Is this a concept in VSCode - pushing an experimental version that isn't installed automatically?
I'd like to do this for clj-kondo maybe
I guess one could also just make a vsix for people to download, that's probably the way to go
fwiw, for some vscode extensions, i've put the latest release version's .vsix in the corresponding source repository:
Distributing VSIX files is the only way I know about to do this, @borkdude
We quite often publish such VSIX files here. You are more than welcome to publish previews of the clj-kondo extension here as well.
I'd rather not put it in the repo itself, but rather attach it to some issue @sogaiu
whatever works for you 🙂
@pez Cool. Let me try that for the new ignore feature.
you know the vscode ui provides an install from vsix option right?
yeah. it's pretty cool how this all works
just checking 🙂
That version has the ability to ignore warnings based on annotations. See examples:
Simple example:
(defn f []
#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:inline-def]}
(def x))
just tried it -- seems to be working :thumbsup:
Just tried this as well and it seems to work fine :clj-kondo:
Thank you!
Thank you!
Uploaded another VSIX here: for testing a feature for shared dirs with config + hook code.