@borkdude ctrl+c kills the terminal (and therefore the repl running in it) for me. As @chuck.cassel mentioned, it looks like for you vs code (maybe some extension?) is waiting on you to complete some chord. Maybe try disabling all extensions and then seeing if ctrl+c kills the repl/terminal. Though if some extension were binding those keys to something (some chord), it should show in your keyboard shortcuts.
On the topic of using this channel for vscode general help. I totally love it. I’m still thrilled that I can read red on black in the vs code terminal now. Since I asked here and @sogaiu didn’t have the same mental blockers as I had so he could help me look for the settings in the right place.
lol, we can use each other as work-arounds for our mental blockers...i love it 🙂
yes, this channel rocks
does anyone use the Sync Settings extension? I tried it but I can't find where it actually stores the gist
I use it. Afk atm so can't really check, but I'll get back to you if you don't figure it out before.
Mine is in the gist called cloudSettings
You should be able to find its id under sync.gist
key in the preferences file
so it is like this: https://gist.github.com/username/id