
Wednesdays you might find @U0ETXRFEW in the Gather Calva space. Invite is and the password is `Be kind`.
Clypto 2020-09-26T16:13:27.030300Z

so what's up w/ calva and clj-kondo ignoring (use.. statements and throwing out all unresolved symbols?

Clypto 2020-09-26T16:14:08.031Z

I ran clj-kondo --parallel --lint "$(lein classpath)" and that seemed to generate a cache for most things, but any symbol that comes out of a use is not picked up and is in red as unknown

borkdude 2020-09-26T16:14:47.031300Z

@clypto This seems to work for me:

(use 'clojure.test)

(is 1)
Do you have a repro?

Clypto 2020-09-26T16:20:11.032200Z

it's closed source, but looks like I have a handful of use and a few :refer :all that result in unknown symbols... there's nothing special about them - mainly a bunch of pure functions for logging or string manipulation

Clypto 2020-09-26T16:21:21.032400Z

one from [cheshire.core :refer :all]

Clypto 2020-09-26T16:23:53.032600Z

it's a lein project in calva if that helps

Clypto 2020-09-26T16:26:20.034100Z

[cheshire "5.5.0"]

pez 2020-09-26T16:26:46.034300Z

Lein isn't part of the picture. clj-kondo runs in a separate process, using only static analysis. I think that the only thing that would really help is a repro.

borkdude 2020-09-26T18:47:34.035Z

@clypto There's a related open issue about this: I'll look into this soon, maybe it will fix your issue as well. The best for now is to get rid of use and refer :all altogether, which is best practice anyway