Hi there, it seems like this extension is really nice. Although most of the time nothing happens when I use it. I have connected to the repl and I follow along: https://calva.io/try-first/. But when I press Alt+Enter Nothing happens :/
Hello. From the output window I can see that connecting did not seem to complete, or else you would see more output there. Are you using the jack-in command or "connect to running repl" command? Also, I see there's an error in the terminal. If you could paste the whole error here it may point us in the right direction.
Also pasting your project.clj contents may help as well. And how was this project created?
Thanks for the insight. I jacke-in after restarting and now it's working. strange. I created the project via some standard Leiningen command lein app name or something
We should probably make alt+enter complain about things instead of just doing nothing.
No problem. And I agree