
Wednesdays you might find @U0ETXRFEW in the Gather Calva space. Invite is and the password is `Be kind`.
pez 2020-11-28T13:11:08.002200Z

Hello all. Happy Saturday! If someone here has the time to try the Calva instructions for this example project, that would be super awesome:

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pez 2020-11-28T13:26:21.003200Z

It shouldn't take more then ten minutes, or I have failed with my instructions. šŸ˜ƒ


Hi, I tried run it in web browser, everything is ok. But what should I install to run it on my android phone?


When Iā€™m trying, I get ā€œCouldnā€™t start project on Android: No Android connected device found, and no emulators could be started automatically.ā€ My phone is connected and USB debugging is enabled.

pez 2020-11-28T14:47:19.007800Z

I don't know why they don't have this a bit more explicit. But for me, if I have an android device attached, Expo chooses to install the app there. Sometimes the USB debugging permissions get screwed up thoughh. So if you don't see the device when running the command adb devices, then you might need to revoke the permissions and reconnect the phone. See

pez 2020-11-28T14:47:46.008500Z

Also, it takes a while to install the Expo app...


Thanks a lot, I got this annoying error ā€œBecause an app is obscuring a permission request, Settings canā€™t verify your responseā€ during connection. Finally managed to fix it and run the app on my device.

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practicalli-john 2020-11-28T18:30:09.010700Z

quick question, is it possible to clear all the vars from the repl without closing it. A restart or refresh command... looking through the docs but havent spotted it yet... Thanks

practicalli-john 2020-11-28T18:31:26.011500Z

We are doing some live mob programming with Live Share and Calva, although we realise we dont know Calva well enough yet, but its working well so far..

pez 2020-11-28T18:45:43.016200Z

There is some command for this... Search using the command palette and you might find something. But, if the repl is started with Jack in, you can always just jack in again.

practicalli-john 2020-11-28T18:47:17.017600Z

We are just using which kind of worked, but restarting the REPL definately works. Restarting means that everyone else has to reconnect, but its good practice using Live Share. It seems to be working well with Calva so far with 6 people mob programming together

pez 2020-11-28T19:50:37.019800Z

Now at a computer. There are two Calva commands for this Refresh All Namespaces and Refresh Changed Namespaces. They probably do much the same as when using tools.namspace directly.

pez 2020-11-28T19:51:23.020700Z

Super happy to hear it works for mob programming! Kudos to @stefan.van.den.oord for heralding the Live Share adaptions.

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practicalli-john 2020-11-28T21:03:07.024100Z

@pez Thanks for the info. We will continue using Calva and Live Share in future meetings. We also used the REPL port forwarding of Live Share so people using Spacemacs / CIDER can connect to the REPL via my running VSCode (and I can keep my vim style editing). I am assuming this will also work for NeoVim and Conjure too.

bringe 2020-11-28T21:42:22.024300Z

That's awesome ^