
Wednesdays you might find @U0ETXRFEW in the Gather Calva space. Invite is and the password is `Be kind`.
Stefan 2020-12-06T13:45:32.143700Z

Ok I got it working. @pez I put this in my Leiningen project.clj:

:profiles {:reveal {:dependencies [[vlaaad/reveal "1.1.164"]]
                    :repl-options {:nrepl-middleware [vlaaad.reveal.nrepl/middleware]}}}
With that, normal jack-in (using this profile) should launch Reveal as well.

pez 2020-12-06T14:03:53.145300Z

Awesome. Can i hope for a PR adding that info to 😍

Stefan 2020-12-06T14:04:27.145500Z

Beat you to it 😝

Stefan 2020-12-06T14:04:53.145700Z

If you’re going to try this out using a tools.deps project, could you maybe add that to the doc page?

pez 2020-12-06T15:26:47.145900Z

Oh, didn’t see the PR. Very cool. I suggested you add something about PR welcome to the deps section.

elarouss 2020-12-06T18:48:43.148600Z

Hi, I’m trying to use Calva’s debugger, it works when evaluating code (the execution breaks on #break), but not when running the application (a web server using Pedestal & Lacinia), do i need to configure something?

elarouss 2020-12-07T09:00:46.149200Z

Thank you, so basically i’m putting the break point in a Lacinia resolver and using Integrant to manage the state, So I tried to put break# then reload the app using (reset) then call the endpoint that triggers that resolver, but it didn’t stop on the break. i tried to do the same, without the (reset) , but still it didn’t work. for the Eval On Save option it’s off Actually I tried Emacs’s cider debugger and it has the same behavior. P.S: I used Cursive’s debugger before, and it worked for me

bringe 2020-12-07T16:46:23.149600Z

Interesting. So it seems to have something to do with how things are evaluated and how cider-nrepl's debug middleware works (Calva and Cider use the same debug middleware). I haven't worked with lacinia or Integrant, but if you provide a sample project or point to some template that this can be reproduced in, in an issue, that would help. Maybe we can figure out why this behavior occurs and document it or find a workaround.

elarouss 2020-12-08T19:55:17.166600Z

I’ll try to make a minimal sample project, thank you 🙏

bringe 2020-12-08T20:09:35.167Z

Thank you!