
Wednesdays you might find @U0ETXRFEW in the Gather Calva space. Invite is and the password is `Be kind`.
bringe 2020-12-09T00:30:40.170600Z

Sorry @taoroalin, it looks like no one responded to you! Would you mind creating an issue for this through VS Code -> Help -> Report Issue to we can see environment info? This sounds pretty odd.

Jakub Holý 2020-12-09T17:29:25.177100Z

I heared it is not possible to assign running a custom function inside a repl to a key combination (eg ctrl-shift-t to execute (clojure.test/run-all). Is that right? Will it ever be possible? In Cursive I use it eg to trigger ns reload and app restart.

bringe 2020-12-09T17:59:10.177200Z

Do you mean like this?

bringe 2020-12-09T18:00:29.177500Z

It's a bit more than a single key combo, though.

Jakub Holý 2020-12-09T18:23:46.177700Z

I see, that looks good, thanks!

👍 1

Hi! I feel dumb for not being able to find the answer to this... but is there a way to see the docstring for a function, without reaching for the mouse and hovering over the function name?

pez 2020-12-09T19:28:24.178700Z

It’s designed to be executed with a feel a bit like a multi chord, if you select the names carefully.

👍 1
bringe 2020-12-09T19:45:14.179100Z

Try ctrl+k, ctrl+i

bringe 2020-12-09T19:45:29.179500Z

The command is "Show Hover" - yours could be mapped differently, but mine is that by default

Jakub Holý 2020-12-09T19:54:18.179600Z

Is it possible to send in arguments, such as the current line? (for integration with Notespace so that I can send it (notespace.api/eval-note-at-line 14) to eval the note at line 14)



pez 2020-12-09T20:35:50.180100Z

Unfortunately not. I think we should add it. It was suggested for the very same reason earlier today on ClojureVerse:

pez 2020-12-09T20:36:33.180400Z

Not used Notespace, though, so not sure what the options/workarounds are.

bringe 2020-12-09T21:13:08.180600Z There's an issue for it too

pez 2020-12-09T21:26:51.184100Z

Dear Calva Friends. I do not want you to stop using this channel in the awesome way you do currently. Just wanted to let you know that I just enabled Discussions on the Github repo. I think it might become a nice complement for questions and discussions that risk drown in this more chat-like forum. We’ll see, but please feel invited to lead by example by commenting and starting nice conversations:

🎉 3
practicalli-john 2020-12-10T10:01:54.184600Z

My personal view in terms of usability, slack, Zulip or Discord are far more accessible as they have a specific app. Is there a desktop/mobile app for GitHub discussions?

Eugen 2020-12-10T17:04:54.185500Z

Me, I don't have slack subsription so I can't see older discussions. Not even private ones. Also, each app has it's own protocol. Trying to discuss in multiple communities means having 3-4+ apps open on desktop. I miss IRC

practicalli-john 2020-12-10T19:57:07.187600Z

@eugen.stan I am enjoying using the Clojurians Zulip, which has a slack archive that is a very nice way to consume the conversations as it has the full history, e.g. for Calva its archived here I have the Zulip app open and only open Slack in a browser if I need to post something. This minimises the apps I have open. I have the Slack app on my phone to monitor a few channels that I am very active in, e.g. #practicalli and #spacemacs (and hopefully calva when I finally get a perfect vim environment figured out). I agree that sometimes you can have too much choice - there is a section of philosophy that discusses having too little and to much choice...

❤️ 1
pez 2020-12-10T20:22:45.189700Z

> (and hopefully calva when I finally get a perfect vim environment figured out). :calva: ❤️

pez 2020-12-10T20:24:11.189900Z

Here’s hoping you find this. The How to use Calva with VIM story on is a bit depressing.

Jakub Holý 2020-12-09T22:21:20.184200Z


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