
Wednesdays you might find @U0ETXRFEW in the Gather Calva space. Invite is and the password is `Be kind`.
practicalli-john 2020-12-10T10:01:54.184600Z

My personal view in terms of usability, slack, Zulip or Discord are far more accessible as they have a specific app. Is there a desktop/mobile app for GitHub discussions?

Eugen 2020-12-10T17:04:54.185500Z

Me, I don't have slack subsription so I can't see older discussions. Not even private ones. Also, each app has it's own protocol. Trying to discuss in multiple communities means having 3-4+ apps open on desktop. I miss IRC

j 2020-12-10T19:47:50.187400Z

During Live Share sessions with Calva, I've been getting feedback from guests who connect to me (as host) that auto-indent doesn't work. I just tested it out with 2 separate machines, and it does seem to be the case that the host has auto-indent, but the guest does not. I was wondering if clj-kondo does the auto-indent... can anyone help?

practicalli-john 2020-12-10T19:57:07.187600Z

@eugen.stan I am enjoying using the Clojurians Zulip, which has a slack archive that is a very nice way to consume the conversations as it has the full history, e.g. for Calva its archived here I have the Zulip app open and only open Slack in a browser if I need to post something. This minimises the apps I have open. I have the Slack app on my phone to monitor a few channels that I am very active in, e.g. #practicalli and #spacemacs (and hopefully calva when I finally get a perfect vim environment figured out). I agree that sometimes you can have too much choice - there is a section of philosophy that discusses having too little and to much choice...

borkdude 2020-12-10T20:01:38.188500Z

clj-kondo doesn't do formatting

pez 2020-12-10T20:20:34.189500Z

It’s Calva doing the formatting. Are the symptoms similar to what is described here?

j 2020-12-11T16:11:02.205300Z

Thanks @pez! I added a comment to the issue. Please let me know if I can help in anyway!

pez 2020-12-10T20:22:45.189700Z

> (and hopefully calva when I finally get a perfect vim environment figured out). :calva: ❤️

pez 2020-12-10T20:24:11.189900Z

Here’s hoping you find this. The How to use Calva with VIM story on is a bit depressing.

j 2020-12-10T23:14:02.190100Z

Not exactly.... The host and guest see the same things, it's just that the host gets auto-indenting behavior, but the guests don't. Most of the guests I tried this with have brand new installs of VSCode, Calva, and Live Share

pez 2020-12-10T23:16:00.190300Z

Can you add this as a new issue, or as a comment to that issue? I think I might have a clue about how to fix it, but it is just a hunch, so no promises, 😃