
Wednesdays you might find @U0ETXRFEW in the Gather Calva space. Invite is and the password is `Be kind`.
pez 2020-12-25T14:23:54.361Z

Now with clojure-lsp in, we can add some of the refactoring commands it makes available. Please help test some, where these are added: • ‘clean-ns’ • ‘add-missing-libspec’ • ‘cycle-coll’ • ‘cycle-privacy’ • ‘expand-let’ • ‘thread-first’ • ‘thread-first-all’ • ‘thread-last’ • ‘thread-last-all’ • ‘unwind-all’ • ‘unwind-thread’ I’ve noticed that clean-ns is a bit crazy. See this issue: and please add more clues/better repros if you too experience strange behaviour with this command.

💯 2
pez 2020-12-25T14:39:33.362Z

Also noticing that expand-let is even crazier some times. Will see if I can figure out a repro…

ericdallo 2020-12-25T15:45:36.362400Z

ref how :emacs: lsp-mode call those:

pez 2020-12-25T16:50:56.362600Z

Thanks! It is similar to how I call them:

type ClojureLspCommand = {
    command: string,
    extraParamFn?: () => Thenable<string>;

function makePromptForInput(placeHolder: string) {
    return async () => {
        return await vscode.window.showInputBox({
            value: '',
            placeHolder: placeHolder,
            validateInput: (input => input.trim() === '' ? 'Empty input' : null)

const clojureLspCommands: ClojureLspCommand[] = [
        command: 'clean-ns'
        command: 'add-missing-libspec'
    // This seems to be similar to Calva's rewrap commands
    //    command: 'cycle-coll'
        command: 'cycle-privacy'
        command: 'expand-let'
        command: 'thread-first'
        command: 'thread-first-all'
        command: 'thread-last'
        command: 'thread-last-all'
        command: 'unwind-all'
        command: 'unwind-thread'
        command: 'introduce-let',
        extraParamFn: makePromptForInput('Bind to')
        command: 'move-to-let',
        extraParamFn: makePromptForInput('Bind to')
        command: 'extract-function',
        extraParamFn: makePromptForInput('Function name')

function registerLspCommand(client: LanguageClient, command: ClojureLspCommand): vscode.Disposable {
    const vscodeCommand = `calva.refactor.${command.command.replace(/-[a-z]/g, (m) => m.substring(1).toUpperCase())}`;
    return vscode.commands.registerCommand(vscodeCommand, async () => {
        const editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor;
        const document = util.getDocument(editor.document);
        if (document && document.languageId === 'clojure') {
            const line =;
            const column =;
            const params = [document.uri.toString(), line, column];
            const extraParam = command.extraParamFn ? await command.extraParamFn() : undefined;
            if (!command.extraParamFn || command.extraParamFn && extraParam) {
                client.sendRequest('workspace/executeCommand', {
                    'command': command.command,
                    'arguments': extraParam ? [...params, extraParam] : params
                }).catch(e => {

pez 2020-12-25T16:55:38.364500Z

Here’s a new VSIX with clojure-lsp refactorings added for introduce-let, move-to-let and extract-function. The common theme for these is that they prompt for input to know what to bind to/name of new function.

ericdallo 2020-12-25T16:57:47.364800Z

Nice! we also have a custom command: server-info which return some server info and settings user passed on startup, it's really useful for debugging 🙂

pez 2020-12-25T17:15:41.365Z

I noticed that. Will check out.

pez 2020-12-25T17:58:51.365200Z

So, before I report this expand-let thing as an issue. Maybe it is just that I don’t know what it is supposed to do. If I expand-let with the cursor in the let form here:

(fn [foo]
  (let [state (create-state "# ")]
    (is (cell-alive? state [0 0]))
    (is-not (cell-alive? state [1 0]))
    (is-not (cell-alive? state [-10 -20]))))
I get this:
(let [state (create-state "# ")]
Whereas if I do not have any params in the fn, like so:
(fn []
  (let [state (create-state "# ")]
    (is (cell-alive? state [0 0]))
    (is-not (cell-alive? state [1 0]))
    (is-not (cell-alive? state [-10 -20]))))
It does this:
(let [state (create-state "# ")]
 (fn []
  (is (cell-alive? state [0 0]))
    (is-not (cell-alive? state [1 0]))
    (is-not (cell-alive? state [-10 -20]))))

seralbdev 2020-12-25T18:49:38.366600Z

Hi all. Happy Christmas and thanks for Calva to all the team 🙂

❤️ 2
seralbdev 2020-12-25T18:51:29.368700Z

I have a question about the debugger. I have a project using a dependency from a project in my local disk (Clojure source code). When I debug the code in Emacs (function instrumented) and I go IN the function I can step by step debug in the source code of the dependency

seralbdev 2020-12-25T18:51:40.369Z

When I do the same in calva (F11) I cannot

seralbdev 2020-12-25T18:52:38.369900Z

The dependency is installed by lein install in the local .m2 maven cache

seralbdev 2020-12-25T18:53:12.370600Z

And the original source code is accessible. The behavior is different but both are installed in the same laptop...

bringe 2020-12-25T19:19:48.372300Z

Please file an issue with more details and we can look into it later. I think this should work. @seralbdev

bringe 2020-12-25T19:21:48.373100Z

Also note the dep, function trying to step into, and if this happens for any dep/function that you've tried.

bringe 2020-12-25T19:30:19.373700Z

Actually, your exact repro case would be best 😄

seralbdev 2020-12-26T10:26:54.382800Z

Issue filled in github =>

seralbdev 2020-12-26T10:27:27.383100Z

curious about the outcome...thx a lot in advance!

bringe 2020-12-26T18:36:46.408200Z


seralbdev 2020-12-25T19:43:36.377300Z

Hi, yep I'll try to fill a description. I have realized that instrumenting the function of the dependency (apart from the one calling it in my main project) makes the Calva debugger allow step in and step by step debug it. If I am not wrong, this is not needed in Emacs and I can directly go in from the main project. I'll test this in more detail to be sure about both behaviors. Cheers!

ericdallo 2020-12-25T21:15:44.377400Z

The expand-let code is kinda tricky, so it may be a bug indeed, the issue is that with args, it removes the fn synbol, right?

pez 2020-12-25T21:21:46.377700Z

It removes the fn symbol and all of the fn body.

ericdallo 2020-12-25T21:48:13.377900Z

oh, didn't notice it 😅 Yeah, a bug indeed, could you open a issue to track that? I'm working in other features/bug fixes ATM

jstokes 2020-12-25T23:02:37.379200Z

Is it possible to customize the clojure formatter used? I’m wondering if I could swap for