
Wednesdays you might find @U0ETXRFEW in the Gather Calva space. Invite is and the password is `Be kind`.
bastilla 2021-01-12T08:41:48.281500Z


bastilla 2021-01-12T08:49:00.281700Z

@ryan072 Sounds very professional. Alas I do not have that level of experience to realize your technique. In fact, I still struggle with the whole REPL approach, which isn't a productive tool to me yet. (Often times it simply doesn't work/connect.) I dearly miss debugging (debugger) in Clojureworld. Sad to say after 2 years of Clojure I still depend on: let [... log (str "my-var-to-check: " my-var-to-check ...] Pathetic. But the barriers to Clojureworld (to me) are not the language. It's the ecosystem. In fact, I have no problems traversing tree structures via stack algorithm and loop/recur. No problem to my brain. But the whole tooling in Clojure is still a mystery to me.

ryan echternacht 2021-01-12T13:20:04.284200Z

That was my experience too. And then at some point, something changed and everything became easier. I do think calva getting more stable was a part of that. So best of luck!

ryan echternacht 2021-01-12T13:20:45.285600Z

Also Sean corfield is giving a talk today on repl driven development. So that may be worth watching (I’ll be watching)

pez 2021-01-12T17:14:03.287100Z

I hope you don’t mind: ❤️

bastilla 2021-01-12T17:25:34.287400Z

@ryan072 Excellent! where could I catch that? (as a side note, the Clojure community is just aweseome!)

ryan echternacht 2021-01-12T17:27:39.287900Z

it's in an hour. and sean said the vod will be posted somewhere

alexmiller 2021-01-12T17:45:36.288100Z

I'd prefer not to have that on the page if you don't mind :)

bastilla 2021-01-12T17:48:32.288300Z

ah. I just signed up to meetup, then was given the link. Alas I don't do zoom. (Simply no camera nor microphone on my linux laptop here.) If there will be a VOD afterwards I better take that option. (Otherwise I pose an irritation to the rest of you guys. A thousand thanks for the link+opportunity!)

pez 2021-01-12T17:48:32.288500Z

Oh noes! But I’ll remove it then, of course.

pez 2021-01-12T17:50:39.288700Z


alexmiller 2021-01-12T17:59:22.288900Z


lread 2021-01-12T19:26:16.290300Z

With VSpaceCode, I am excited to be giving Calva another whirl! (my poor old brain is very used to spacemacs key bindings).

bringe 2021-01-12T20:03:32.291400Z

Calva version 2.0.149 is out with the following fixes: • Fix:`${env:...}` • Update clojure-lsp to version 2021.01.12-02.18.26. Fix:

bringe 2021-01-12T20:13:27.294400Z

@borkdude In my testing of the above, I noticed the clj-kondo server was also orphaned / left running sometimes. It may be an even smaller chance with the kondo server, but see the fix here if you want to implement this fail-safe exit. You can see more info about this, where it was explained that aside from a bug in vs code, servers should use the processId in the initialize request to check if the parent process is alive, and exit if it's not.

borkdude 2021-01-12T20:38:36.295Z

@brandon.ringe Thanks a lot! Made an issue here:
