
Wednesdays you might find @U0ETXRFEW in the Gather Calva space. Invite is and the password is `Be kind`.
bringe 2021-01-13T22:26:42.298600Z

Calva version 2.0.150 is released. 🎉 :clj-kondo: :calva: In this version linting is now provided from clojure-lsp (powered by clj-kondo), and the clj-kondo extension is no longer bundled with Calva. When you upgrade you'll likely see a warning advising to uninstall the clj-kondo extension to avoid some duplicate lint reports.

Christian 2021-01-14T10:30:40.006300Z

I just installed calva and clj-kondo. Should I uninstall clj-kondo?

Janne Sauvala 2021-01-14T14:04:41.013300Z

@christiaaan Yes, clj-kondo plugin should be now redundant

bringe 2021-01-13T22:28:45.300200Z

This should also reduce memory usage on your machine since the clj-kondo extension's lsp server will no longer be running once you uninstall the extension.

borkdude 2021-01-13T22:30:49.300800Z

@brandon.ringe Is this configurable for clojure-lsp users (either to use clj-kondo via lsp or via the extension by enabling it)?

bringe 2021-01-13T22:51:31.301600Z

They cannot disable diagnostics from clojure-lsp, and only receive them from the clj-kondo extension. They can use both if they're okay with some duplicate linting messages. > configurable for clojure-lsp users Not sure what is meant here, but usage of clojure-lsp through Calva is not optional. If there would be a good reason to disable clojure-lsp's diagnostics, it would be easy to add a setting for it.

borkdude 2021-01-13T22:54:01.301800Z

The reason I'm asking is that I regularly get bug reports and it would be good if the version of clj-kondo was communicated or if there was some means to get the raw clj-kondo output without a tool in between

borkdude 2021-01-13T22:55:06.302Z

I basically want people to specify a clj-kondo version with their bug reports, that's what it comes down to

pez 2021-01-13T22:57:13.302200Z

We can request that clojure-lsp includes this in the server-info message.

pez 2021-01-13T22:57:51.302400Z

The version of clj-kondo, I mean.

borkdude 2021-01-13T22:59:56.302600Z

fyi the version is available on the classpath as (slurp (io/resource "CLJ_KONDO_VERSION"))

ericdallo 2021-01-13T22:59:57.302800Z

Yeah, we can do that 🙂 @borkdude via clj-kondo is there any function to retrieve clj-kondo version?

ericdallo 2021-01-13T23:00:06.303Z


bringe 2021-01-13T23:11:30.303300Z

I see, sounds good!

borkdude 2021-01-13T23:14:53.303500Z
