
Wednesdays you might find @U0ETXRFEW in the Gather Calva space. Invite is and the password is `Be kind`.
richiardiandrea 2021-02-26T19:45:42.119100Z

Hi all, I am wondering whether I need to do anything on top of adding #dbg before forms for Calva to debug...I read the manual and the caveats but the breakpoints don't seem to be hit

bringe 2021-02-26T19:55:24.119200Z

Hi. Can you provide an example that's not working for you?

richiardiandrea 2021-02-26T20:06:10.119400Z

yes I have a handler that it is never call and I am doing this in the function body

(let [..stuff...]

      (event-bus/publish event-bus (make-changed-event id)))

bringe 2021-02-26T22:30:56.120400Z

Are you evaluating the handler directly from the repl or calling it via http? The latter can be tricky to get breakpoints to work with I think, though I have done it before if I remember correctly.

bringe 2021-02-26T22:33:57.120600Z

It can be hard to debug these types of things without a solid repro case. If it involves hitting an endpoint via http, then if you could make a small repro project, that I can pull down and repro the issue with, and link it in an issue in the Calva repo, that would be best. There may be some trick to it that needs to be documented.