
Wednesdays you might find @U0ETXRFEW in the Gather Calva space. Invite is and the password is `Be kind`.
Danny 2021-02-27T00:01:46.123500Z

Might anyone know why, just sometimes, you might get a whole slew of indicators that everything should be working correctly, but neither the output in the output.calva-repl shows up nor can you evaluate anything? Pictures below. This happened to me on another app, and I going nuclear and recreating from scratch worked, but I'd rather not need to do that again. It "should" be working?

richiardiandrea 2021-02-27T00:19:48.124200Z

Yeah it is exactly hitting via http - not REPL, cause that's the use case the most devs want to do (cider user myself but debugging for others 🙂) In any case thanks for your help, repro case seems too much work for me at the moment, maybe later on

Danny 2021-02-27T00:48:14.126600Z

I'm not sure "what" I did, but it's working now. I did have older dependencies for the nrepl (something like version ~6) and cider-nrepl (a couple of patch versions behind) in my root profiles.clj. I also had dependency to "venantius/ultra" in my root profiles.clj that I removed, and finally I simply restarted code. I'm not sure which of those fixed it, but here to say that it's all good now!

bringe 2021-02-27T02:52:02.126700Z

Ok, understood. This isn't the first time this has come up if I remember correctly, but I don't think we tracked it well before. I remember seeing it work, myself, but I don't try to do this in my usual work. I think this has something to do with how things are evaluated/loaded. If it works in Cider we should be able to make it work in Calva, since Calva uses cider-nrepl for much of its debugger functionality.

bringe 2021-02-27T03:12:16.128200Z

Glad it's working now! Either of those could have caused issues, unfortunately Calva wasn't showing what went wrong, at least in an obvious place (not sure if you checked the developer console but maybe something was printed there).

seancorfield 2021-02-27T03:13:26.129100Z

My advice to most folks having problems with Leiningen is to comment out everything in your user profiles.clj as a first step 🙂 and I seem to recall venantius/ultra as being particularly problematic (but I can't remember why).

👍 1
bringe 2021-02-27T03:16:35.129400Z

Related issue:

seancorfield 2021-02-27T03:39:49.130800Z

Oh wow, I didn't realize that Ultra advertised the fact that it is somewhat incompatible with CIDER!

seancorfield 2021-02-27T03:40:07.131200Z

See, this is why I like really simple tooling...

bringe 2021-02-27T04:17:44.131300Z

I made an issue for this so I can investigate soon. I'll try to repro myself. May ping you at a later date for more info or to test a change, if you're up for it. :simple_smile:

richiardiandrea 2021-02-27T04:22:07.131700Z

Please do, I am open to experimenting 😃

richiardiandrea 2021-02-27T04:22:17.131900Z

And thanks a lot!

richiardiandrea 2021-02-27T04:22:55.132100Z

Just as an FYI the code I inherited is a duct app with a pedestal http server...many moving parts I know

👍 1