
Wednesdays you might find @U0ETXRFEW in the Gather Calva space. Invite is and the password is `Be kind`.
yuhan 2021-04-16T05:53:10.024100Z

Calva's paredit seems to be a bit too fussy about deleting # characters before parens - the only way I can do it is by highlighting the # and pressing backspace:

#(fn [] oops) ;; <- try to delete the # 

#{1 2 3} ;; same here

pez 2021-04-16T05:58:06.028100Z

@qythium, it’s because Calva sees it as an opening #( bracket, starting a literal lambda. I’ve noticed this myself when having an ignore marker (`#) before the function and trying to delete it. First it deletes the then it thinks it is a #(` bracket. Please file an issue about it, I should be able to figure something out. As a workaround, use alt+backspace to delete any character without Calva Paredit getting in the way.

yuhan 2021-04-16T06:01:49.028800Z

Ah okay, that's a useful command :thumbsup:

yuhan 2021-04-16T06:04:55.031400Z

Can I just say how awesome the "infer parens from indentation" command is 🙂 It's like Parinfer on-demand without the constant worrying that it'll screw something up, and it really deserves a better default keybinding

yuhan 2021-04-16T06:09:13.034700Z

I bound it to Shift-Tab for a nice symmetry with the auto-indentation command: Tab reformats your code according to the structure <-> Shift-Tab restructures the code according to the formatting. Un-indenting can be still be done with the default cmd-[ binding.

pez 2021-04-16T06:24:01.034900Z

Oh, I like that binding!

yuhan 2021-04-16T06:28:14.035Z

It does interfere sometimes with the autocompletion popup, but so does Tab

pez 2021-04-16T06:59:54.035800Z

It does? tab shouldn’t interfere there. Issue please! 😃

yuhan 2021-04-16T07:15:19.039100Z

Maybe interfere isn't the right word, I mean how when you have

(wrongly (indented
f)) ;; &lt;- cursor after f
and try to press tab to reindent, but at the last millisecond vscode decides to show the popup and it ends up triggering the completion, turning f into false .

pez 2021-04-16T08:09:07.039900Z

You might be able to tweak how quick vs code should be popping up the completions.

yuhan 2021-04-16T08:30:05.043100Z

It's not really an issue per se, maybe related to editor philosophies - I'm used to Emacs where keybinding contexts are mostly deterministic 😛

pez 2021-04-16T21:42:00.053200Z

I just released Calva, fixing the Getting Started, and Standalone REPLs for some Windows users. It took me and @borkdude more than two weeks to get it reproducable (I even bought a PC for this) and then to track it down and then, Borkdude being Borkdude, he fixed it of course. is an amazing tool. On Windows it is a safer bet than the official clojure CLI tools, I would say. Thanks also to @luanprinsmain for reporting and for sticking to it testing stuff for us while he had the only machine where the error could be reproduced. Happy Friday! :calva:

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