
Wednesdays you might find @U0ETXRFEW in the Gather Calva space. Invite is and the password is `Be kind`.
Ryan Jerue 2021-04-17T12:54:00.056200Z

Is there a way to specify a specific jackInEnv object per replConnectSequences as opposed to one global object for all of them?

pez 2021-04-17T13:38:08.057500Z

There isn't. Can you explain the use case a bit? Maybe this should be implemented.

Ryan Jerue 2021-04-17T15:00:27.060300Z

My use case is that I have different lein profiles that I use when running unit tests vs. just doing development. They also require slightly different env files. It'd be really convenient to be able to put a jackInEnv object into a custom connect sequence as opposed to changing the global object every time. My next Q was if it was not possible currently if you'd be open to a contribution. I'd be happy to take a look at this πŸ™‚

pez 2021-04-17T15:16:38.062400Z

Awesome. Please file an issue about it. And PR is entirely welcome. Me and @brandon.ringe are both here for any help you might need getting the dev environment set up.

πŸ‘ 1
pez 2021-04-17T15:18:40.064100Z

I think a property jackInEnv at the top level of the sequence would make sense. It would not be used for the connect scenario anyway.

pez 2021-04-17T15:21:00.065Z

(I mean, so env is more straightforward as a name, but would be a bit less clear.)

Ryan Jerue 2021-04-17T15:28:16.065700Z

envVariables would be my favorite, but I think consistency with jackInEnv is a good signal that the two are related

pez 2021-04-17T15:38:53.067Z

Jack-in needs to be in the name for the reasons I stated. Connect sequences are also used connect-only scenarios. And then Calva does not start any process and can’t give it any environment.

pez 2021-04-17T15:41:06.068500Z

We have started to use markdownDescription instead of description for the settings schema, btw and fyi.