Hey everyone, Here's a getting started tutorial for VsCode + Calva + WSL2 which I wrote some time ago (and updated recently for the latest versions) https://www.notion.so/Beginner-Clojure-Environment-Setup-Windows-36f70c16b9a7420da3cd797a3eb712fa Let me know if you have any feedback/run across any problems
Hi, does anyone know how can I disable linting so I don't get tons of red squiggles?
AFAIK lsp turns on more squiggles by default: if there is an unresolved symbol, it squiggles it everywhere, but the default behavior of clj-kondo is only the first one. I think you can revert to this default and that may already help. cc @ericdallo The other option is to disable it completely.
@boccato <https://clojure-lsp.github.io/clojure-lsp/settings/#clj-kondo>
:report-duplicates false
is probably what you want (and this is what clj-kondo defaults to normally)
You can disable the linter completely as well, as documented over there
Gotta read that better.