
Wednesdays you might find @U0ETXRFEW in the Gather Calva space. Invite is and the password is `Be kind`.
pez 2021-05-27T05:07:52.055700Z

bringe 2021-05-27T16:23:01.057300Z

Awesome! I noticed a small typo in the browser repl html page: > Validate the connection by evaluating `(js/alert "Hello CLJS!")` in the `clore.clj` file

bringe 2021-05-27T16:23:09.057500Z

^ clore.clj

bringe 2021-05-27T16:32:27.057700Z

I changed it to core.cljs on the dev branch of the dram repo.

bringe 2021-05-27T16:33:21.057900Z

I also merged to published of the dram repo

bringe 2021-05-27T16:36:10.058200Z

@pez You may want to update the screenshot of the html page in the docs, which still has the typo.

pez 2021-05-27T16:37:56.058500Z


👍 1
pez 2021-05-27T16:38:24.058800Z

Where in the world did clore.clj come from, lol

😆 1
veschin 2021-05-27T11:20:19.057200Z

Hello, can u help me with pprint on client side? pprint configured by settings.json works pretty well on server side, but in cljs always printing without width/depth quotas clj (range 15) (0 1 2 3 4 ...) cljs (range 15) (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14)

bringe 2021-05-27T16:56:20.059600Z

If you're using shadow-cljs, see here:

bringe 2021-05-27T16:58:10.059900Z

If not, please paste your pprint settings here so we can troubleshoot. I set maxLength to 5 with pprint and calva set as the engine, and I got (0 1 2 3 4 ...) for cljs.

pez 2021-05-27T20:59:58.065600Z

Here’s a friendly reminder that you can contribute to Calva development as a sponsor. The Sponsor button at the Github repo will guide you to our respective sponsor pages where you can read more about why you should consider this option. ❤️

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