Let me try it myself today. I didn’t use it for a while. There’s not a lot you can do in terms of troubleshooting I believe. @pez Maybe liveShareSupport should do some (potentially conditional) logging or something?
Hey, just done watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIk5hVzA_fY I noticed that the Calva debugger is missing a red outline around the debugged form:
@slipset Where did you see the red outline in the image you sent above? I don't think Calva's decorations ever looked like that, but I think Cider's do/have. And yeah, unfortunately the decorations have been buggy lately. The issue is just not as high of a priority for me as some other issues since it's mostly just a visual nicety. I do intend to fix it eventually though, and I welcome help if anyone wants to.
My :cojureD talk about Calva is now published on YouTube, friends. Please share it around!
Is it this one? https://github.com/BetterThanTomorrow/calva/issues/1165 (If it isn’t exactly that one, please add this as a comment there.)
See https://calva.io/debugger/ for how it is supposed to look.
Seems to be this. I just noticed it in your talk that the debugged fn doesn’t get decorated 🙂
Haha, I noticed that too. While rehearsing, so I could pretend I didn’t see it during the talk. 😃
In the Q&A after that presentation I get a question about where you can buy the t-shirt. Now you can. See https://calva.io/merch/
So awesome!