Calva 2.0.203 is released: • Fix: • Improvement: • Fix: • Bump clojure-lsp
Thanks, @brdloush, for the output window improvement!
Glad to have helped. Unfortunately the output still gets quite sluggish after 10k lines so I still often find myself jumping to that window and manually deleting all the content. But I guess the improvement helps quite a lot. Printout of 500 lines took almost 25 seconds for me without batching (with empty repl window), now it's under second.
Hi, is there a way/example of putting 'start calva' command (with project type) in project's tasks.json file?
I don’t think there is a way to do that. I could be wrong. What is the use case?
Simplify work :)
Then you might get away with using Custom Jack-in/Connect Sequences:
Hi! Sorry that I'm asking something that has probably been asked in the past (couldn't find it though):
If I understand correctly, VIM keybindings in vscode do not respect Paredit.
For example, if I erase a paren with x
in normal mode, then the corresponding other paren stays, and I get unbalanced parens.
Did I get it right?
I haven't seen that particular question before. 😎 You'll need to bind x to the paredit delete command. There's a VSpaceCode config as well.
Thank you so much!
Hi 👋 I think that my vscode config (shared mutable state, amirite?) is messing with the jack-in command.
1. When I execute the jack-in command from a deps.edn
file, I get the prompt to choose my repl type; when I choose Clojure CLI nothing happens and this message appears Running the contributed command: 'calva.jackIn' failed.
2. When I execute the jack-in command from a clojure file, nothing happens altogether
I found this that looks similar so I tried to debug It like bpringe suggested
I ran calva in debug mode and in the console I see for 1:
An error occurred while initializing project directory. TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received type function ([Function (anonymous)])
when I executed the jack-in command, but I do get to the prompt to choose the project type then nothing happens
(Something to note, I have an alias in the deps.edn file, and when I choose to use it it works!)And for 2 I see the same message:
An error occurred while initializing project directory. TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received type function ([Function (anonymous)])
and the Running the contributed command: 'calva.jackIn' failed.
And nothing else happens