
For the Cape Town Clojure user group and Meetup.
mikeyjcat 2016-07-07T05:42:39.000107Z

@robert-stuttaford: Got to say, that was a great talk, well done

robert-stuttaford 2016-07-07T06:33:17.000108Z

thank you 🙂

johanmynhardt 2016-07-07T07:08:57.000109Z

o/ hi 🙂 Have anyone used Nightcode extensively? I know there are much better editors out there but I tried it for kicks. At first it feels too minimal, but then I got the hang of it. But... there's one frustration and wonder whether it's just me: Each time you switch to a different window and back to Nightcode, the parens get messed up.

robert-stuttaford 2016-07-07T07:42:13.000110Z

yikes, that'd be a showstopper for me

robert-stuttaford 2016-07-07T07:43:13.000111Z

i use Emacs (already paid the school fees), but we have folks who are super happy with atom + parinfer + proto-repl