
vinai 2017-09-07T13:09:58.000637Z

Hm, actually, component on the frontend only starting the "UI" component (which isn't even a real component) is a bit of a nuisance because it swallows exceptions thrown by UI components. I haven't figured out yet how to see the actual error stacktrace, It's just "Error in component"...

vinai 2017-09-07T13:10:24.000623Z

Taking component out is quite a bit harder then taking out the system library on the backend.

vinai 2017-09-07T13:10:34.000178Z

But I'll try.

vinai 2017-09-07T13:44:39.000333Z

Grr, failure for now.

vinai 2017-09-07T13:44:52.000665Z

Running out of time.


sorry for the troubles - Component was added to the frontend so it'd be easier to reload stateful services (bidi, websockets, event handlers, etc).


You can catch and print your stacktraces inside your component though.

(try (render)
         (catch js/Error e (println (.-stack e))))


that shouldn't be necessary though as the original stack trace is available in the observed exception's "cause" anyway