hello friends, does anyone ever deployed a chesnut app to AWS Beanstalk ?
I am struggling with the actual conf
I'm not familiar with beanstalk; what have you got so far?
@baptiste-from-paris not chestnut related, but there does seem to be a lein plugin for elastic beanstalk - https://github.com/ktgit/lein-elastic-beanstalk
yep, you not what, I went with heroku ^^
heroku is the easiest way, for sure 🙂
(defn figwheel-config []
(update-in (fw-config/fetch-config) [:data :build-ids] #(conj % "devcards")))
(defn dev-system []
(assoc (betbg.application/app-system (config))
:figwheel-system (fw-sys/figwheel-system (figwheel-config))
:css-watcher (fw-sys/css-watcher {:watch-paths ["resources/public/css"]})
:sass (shell-component "lein" "auto" "sassc" "once")))
re: earlier discussion about getting both devcards and app builds going ... thx @featheredtoast
Oh hey that's actually a lot cleaner than what I have been doing, thanks for sharing! :)