
About Chlorine for Atom and Clover for VS Code: and
danieroux 2019-04-12T15:17:01.001700Z

I have this idea that I can start up a socket repl, connect to it, and launch figwheel.main in it. Then send forms from Chlorine to it. What blocks me is that .cljs does not map to the open repl connection.

mauricio.szabo 2019-04-12T19:17:02.002200Z

There's a way to do it with shadow-cljs. Check:

mauricio.szabo 2019-04-12T19:17:40.002500Z

It's being used from here:

mauricio.szabo 2019-04-12T19:36:49.003300Z

@danie if you want help to implement this feature, ping me: it's on the roadmap to support figwheel-main 🙂

danieroux 2019-04-13T08:05:48.003500Z

shadow-cljs - running: lein run -m shadow.cljs.devtools.cli --npm compile dev
[:dev] Compiling ...
------ ERROR -------------------------------------------------------------------
 File: /Users/danie/source/atom-chlorine/repl-tooling/src/repl_tooling/repl_client/clojure.cljs:11:11
   8 |             [clojure.string :as str]
   9 |             [clojure.walk :as walk]))
  10 |
  11 | (def blob (blob-contents))
IllegalArgumentException: Cannot open <nil> as a Reader.

danieroux 2019-04-13T08:06:28.003700Z

This is on master 🙂

mauricio.szabo 2019-04-13T16:19:28.003900Z

I think you need to follow the rules here:

mauricio.szabo 2019-04-13T16:20:21.004200Z

(I'm sorry, I know the process is less than ideal :D)

mauricio.szabo 2019-04-13T18:16:59.004400Z

I think its missing the step to copy the unrepl blob