Yesterday I've published version 0.1.3, and just now I've imagined that it could have some issues with autocomplete lagging (specially if you enable autocomplete while typing) - because the new version of Chlorine serializes some command. Maybe I'll need to add a configuration to restrict how many matches autocomplete will return (or maybe even try some clever tricks like aborting the autocomplete when it detects it needs to complete again)
So, if you're having some issues with autocomplete lagging on this version, ping me 🙂
It would also probably help if it never tried to auto complete an empty string -- I see that a lot when tabbing or pressing space repeatedly
@seancorfield just a question, have you changed the Autocomplete plug-in parameter "Minimum word length"? Mine here is on default (3 - I just found this option while I was trying to reproduce your issue)
Let me check...
...Still on the default of 3. I have changed a few of the settings tho'... Now I can't remember what the defaults are.
I changed Cursor to Word for position of autocomplete. Just changed that back and, so far, that seems to have improved things a bit.
Neverming, found the issue
I do still see autocomplete suggestions with no characters tho'. For example I type (
and now I have (|)
where |
is the cursor, and after a short delay, a function list pops up.
Seems that "Minimum word length" ignores things when we're pressing backspace or (
, [
, and other special chars
(I still have the delay before suggestions set to the default of zero, BTW)
Ah, I disabled auto-suggest while backspacing because that just annoyed me.
Just to sanity check my settings.
Seems fine to me. Mine are almost the same. What I found is that when you register an external autocomplete provider, it ignores that minimum word count. I think I should check that config variable before attempting the autocomplete...
This would be the new behavior (if I limit autocomplete to only starts to complete on length 4). WDYT?
Looks good!