
About Chlorine for Atom and Clover for VS Code: and
nmkip 2019-05-22T01:43:36.096700Z

Hi, i'm trying to use atom and chlorine on Linux Mint. When I run the connect clojure socket repl I'm not getting the host and port popup. Do you have any ideas what I might be doing wrong?

seancorfield 2019-05-22T03:10:54.099700Z

I just updated to Chlorine 0.1.4 on my Windows machine and nothing works. The settings seem partly broken, and none of the commands load at all.

seancorfield 2019-05-22T03:11:46.100Z

This is the only setting I see

seancorfield 2019-05-22T03:22:54.100800Z

Hmm, I downgraded to 0.1.3 but it still seems broken. Trying 0.1.2.

seancorfield 2019-05-22T03:24:52.101200Z

0.1.2 works just fine on Windows.

seancorfield 2019-05-22T03:25:59.101800Z

With 0.1.3 and 0.1.4, the package descriptor doesn't even have a Settings button.

seancorfield 2019-05-22T03:26:11.102200Z

With 0.1.2, the settings are back

nmkip 2019-05-22T11:01:41.104200Z

oh, ill try 0.1.2 then

nmkip 2019-05-22T12:10:37.104500Z

0.1.2 did the trick

nmkip 2019-05-22T12:10:57.104700Z



congrats :)

nmkip 2019-05-22T14:11:55.105900Z


mloughlin 2019-05-22T15:04:59.110200Z

my auto-complete and refresh were only working intermittently when I was using clj with socketrepl on Windows e.g.

{:ex #repl-tooling.editor-helpers.Error{:type, :message "Could not locate clojure/tools/namespace/repl__init.class, clojure/tools/namespace/repl.clj or clojure/tools/namespace/repl.cljc on classpath.", :add-data {}, :trace ... }
I seem to have fixed it by creating a deps.edn alias:
:aliases {
            :chlorine {:extra-deps {org.clojure/tools.deps.alpha {:mvn/version "0.6.496"}
                                    compliment {:mvn/version "0.3.8"}}}
            :socket {:jvm-opts ["-Dclojure.server.repl={:port,50505,:accept,clojure.core.server/repl}"]}}}
Usage: clj -A:socket:chlorine I'd appreciate a steer on whether this is completely bonkers, or am I on the right track?

mloughlin 2019-05-22T15:05:23.110600Z

it might be more of a clj question than chlorine 🙂

mloughlin 2019-05-22T15:22:24.111500Z

ah ha! turns out the intermittent nature of my problem was caused by me trying out the nightcode lib, and it loaded tools.deps.alpha and compliment

mauricio.szabo 2019-05-22T17:06:58.111900Z

Strange... I didn't change anything on it on v0.1.3

mauricio.szabo 2019-05-22T17:07:10.112200Z

Maybe problems with the way Atom loads things?

mauricio.szabo 2019-05-22T17:13:25.114300Z

Yeah, v0.1.4 is broken. I'm unpublishing it and will see what's wrong 😞

seancorfield 2019-05-22T17:27:35.116900Z

Interestingly, it all seems to work from source built locally, right? So it seems just the packaging of 0.1.3 / 0.1.4 that is an issue?

seancorfield 2019-05-22T17:27:48.117300Z

Maybe the submodule change broke something in the packaging?

mauricio.szabo 2019-05-22T17:28:16.117700Z

Great, just found the problem... will fix it and see if things start to work again. To solve bugs I'm using a CI to make the release builds, but these last versions silently failed on the release build... but somehow the integration tests on the CI still build 😕

seancorfield 2019-05-22T17:28:26.117900Z


mauricio.szabo 2019-05-22T17:33:00.118200Z

This happens on the release build before publishing the package, but isn't happening on the release build before testing... I'm checking for errors now, hope is something simple to fix

lilactown 2019-05-22T17:35:06.118900Z

hey, some coworkers and I are trying to get chlorine to work

lilactown 2019-05-22T17:35:37.119400Z

we are executing the leiningen command in the README, we see this output in the terminal:

$ JVM_OPTS='-Dclojure.server.repl={:port,5555,:accept,clojure.core.server/repl}' lein repl
nREPL server started on port 64114 on host - <nrepl://>
REPL-y 0.4.3, nREPL 0.6.0
Clojure 1.10.0
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 11.0.2+9
    Docs: (doc function-name-here)
          (find-doc "part-of-name-here")
  Source: (source function-name-here)
 Javadoc: (javadoc java-object-or-class-here)
    Exit: Control+D or (exit) or (quit)
 Results: Stored in vars *1, *2, *3, an exception in *e


lilactown 2019-05-22T17:36:05.120100Z

however, running Connect Clojure Socket REPL seems to do nothing

mauricio.szabo 2019-05-22T17:36:20.120400Z

@lilactown We just found a bug on the two last versions of Chlorine, I'll publish a newer version as soon as I find the error

lilactown 2019-05-22T17:36:40.121200Z

ah OK! thanks 😄

seancorfield 2019-05-22T17:36:43.121300Z

apm install chlorine@0.1.2 will get you back to a working version @lilactown

lilactown 2019-05-22T17:36:53.121600Z

sweet, thanks @seancorfield

seancorfield 2019-05-22T17:37:39.122700Z

(I run it from source locally on my Mac, so I didn't hit the problem until I upgraded my Windows laptop from 0.1.2 to 0.1.4 yesterday)

lilactown 2019-05-22T17:39:47.123Z

what should I see if it connects successfully?

lilactown 2019-05-22T17:44:10.123200Z

I'm still not seeing it work with 0.1.2

mauricio.szabo 2019-05-23T17:57:55.144400Z

@lilactown what's your macosx version?

lilactown 2019-05-23T19:21:54.144600Z

10.14.4 (18E226)

mauricio.szabo 2019-05-22T17:54:13.123500Z

Can you see the popup that asks for host and port?

mauricio.szabo 2019-05-22T18:10:42.125Z

Found the problem: different versions of node in different steps of build, and no check for errors before publishing the tag.

mauricio.szabo 2019-05-22T18:11:53.126300Z

Just published version 0.1.5, should fix the issues on 0.1.3 and 0.1.4. Just installed here on a brand new ATOM_HOME and I'm seeing the configs again, and connecting to REPLs

mauricio.szabo 2019-05-22T18:26:03.128300Z

(I just found out that Github is having issues with hooks, and the builds are not being called automatically but anyway. Now, it's working, tested with atom-stable and beta)

seancorfield 2019-05-22T19:01:55.128900Z

Thanks for the fast turnaround @mauricio.szabo! I'll try that on my Windows laptop later today.

mauricio.szabo 2019-05-22T19:41:02.129Z

@lilactown were you able to make it work?

lilactown 2019-05-22T19:41:31.129500Z

not currently

lilactown 2019-05-22T19:41:50.129700Z

I tried upgrading to 0.1.5, I still see the behavior where nothing happens after running Chlorine Connect

mauricio.szabo 2019-05-22T19:42:21.129900Z

It doesn't even open a popup?

lilactown 2019-05-22T19:42:25.130100Z


lilactown 2019-05-22T19:42:39.130300Z

I'm contemplating reinstalling Atom to ensure it's not some stale thing happening

mauricio.szabo 2019-05-22T19:44:34.130500Z

I'll upgrade my atom version to the latest one. In the meantime, can you run atom with: ATOM_HOME=/tmp atom /tmp This way you get a "blank" atom without needing to reinstall... then see if it works that way

lilactown 2019-05-22T19:48:42.130700Z

using the /tmp you pasted, I started Atom and reinstalled Ink and Chlorine. then executed the connect to clojure repl command. I still see no popup 😕

lilactown 2019-05-22T19:51:12.130900Z

I'm currently using Atom 1.37.0 x64 on macOS

mauricio.szabo 2019-05-22T19:51:27.131100Z

When you execute "connect to clojure REPL" and no popup appears, can you execute again or it disappears from the Atom command palette?

lilactown 2019-05-22T19:51:54.131300Z

it disappears from the command palette. I have to close and reopen the project so it appears again.

mauricio.szabo 2019-05-22T19:52:16.131500Z

Also, can you open the inspector (I think the keybinding for it is CMD+i or CMD-SHIFT-i) and see if it logs something on the console when you execute the command?

mauricio.szabo 2019-05-22T19:52:56.131700Z

(I'm using Atom 1.37.0, but on Linux. Maybe this is the issue, but I'm not sure why it happens)

lilactown 2019-05-22T19:54:19.131900Z

I don't see any logs in the chrome devtools inside Atom

lilactown 2019-05-22T19:56:22.132100Z

only some warnings

[Violation] 'keydown' handler took 396ms
2[Violation] 'keydown' handler took 399ms
which I assume aren't relevant

mauricio.szabo 2019-05-22T19:58:01.132300Z

No, they aren't. Great, I'll try to figure out something. There are some friends that work with me that use Atom, I'll see if the problem happens on their machines too

lilactown 2019-05-22T19:58:20.132500Z

OK 😬 thanks for the help!

mloughlin 2019-05-22T21:00:48.133100Z

yes, thanks

mloughlin 2019-05-22T21:01:07.133500Z

I'm very happy with Chlorine atm

mauricio.szabo 2019-05-22T21:52:30.133600Z

Can I ask for something else? When you open Atom and search for Chlorine on plug-ins, can you see the Settings page?

mauricio.szabo 2019-05-22T22:15:29.135300Z

Just an update, MacOSX version isn't working right now. I have no idea why - atom isn't logging anything on console nor on terminal. I'm trying to debug it (but it seems something that only happens with release builds)

mauricio.szabo 2019-05-22T22:28:29.135400Z

Nevermind, just saw here that you can see the settings page, but it still don't connect

lilactown 2019-05-22T22:28:44.135600Z

yeah 😞