
About Chlorine for Atom and Clover for VS Code: and
seancorfield 2019-11-06T00:52:44.211Z

If you use in-ns on a namespace that doesn't exist, you won't get of clojure.core. I suggested doing a conditional check on find-ns (and then either in-ns if it exists or ns if it doesn't) but I don't know how portable that is. There are definitely some REPLs it won't work with.

seancorfield 2019-11-06T00:53:08.211500Z

If you were able to do load-file first then the problem goes away of course 😐

mauricio.szabo 2019-11-06T01:07:01.212900Z

Probably the problem is here: (clojure.core/->> res type str...

mauricio.szabo 2019-11-06T01:08:30.213500Z

I'm just amazed that somehow I didn't test this case.... I'll fix it 🙂

mauricio.szabo 2019-11-06T01:19:21.213800Z

This is the problem:


i think what seancorfield said about in-ns for a non-existing ns may still be an issue even with that change. i just tested by changing my source manually in my submodule checkout of repl-tooling and then did a npx shadow-cljs watch dev (that should be enough right?), with the change, there is still an error:

user=> #object[Namespace 0x1941fb1e "sample"]
Syntax error (InvalidOperationException) compiling at (REPL:4:642).
Unable to resolve symbol: str in this context
please let me know if there is something else i still need to do to test the latest change.


looking at a wireshark capture, it doesn't look like the change got compiled in -- need to figure out how to build this correctly...

mauricio.szabo 2019-11-06T01:45:21.217700Z

Please save the file clj_helper.clj

mauricio.szabo 2019-11-06T01:46:37.219100Z

All files on resources path are inlined on this clj_helper. Saving it once will issue a compilation and things should work


thanks, that seems to have done it 🙂 seems to be working! :thumbsup:

#?(:cljs :using-cljs-repl :clj :using-clj-repl :cljr :using-cljr-repl :joker :using-joker-repl :bb :using-bb-repl)
user=> user=> :using-cljr-repl
user=> :using-unknown-repl
user=> (in-ns 'sample)(try  (clojure.core/let [res (do (ns sample) (def a 1) )  res (clojure.core/cond  #?(:cljs false :default (clojure.core/ratio? res))  (clojure.core/symbol  (clojure.core/str "#repl-tooling/literal-render \""  (clojure.core/pr-str res) "\""))  (clojure.core/symbol? res)  (clojure.core/symbol (clojure.core/str "#unrepl/bad-symbol [nil "  (clojure.core/pr-str (clojure.core/str res))  "]"))  (clojure.core/keyword? res)  (clojure.core/symbol (clojure.core/str "#unrepl/bad-keyword ["  (clojure.core/pr-str (clojure.core/namespace res)) " "  (clojure.core/pr-str (clojure.core/name res))  "]"))  (clojure.core/->> res clojure.core/type clojure.core/str (clojure.core/re-find #"Big(Decimal|Float)"))  (clojure.core/symbol (clojure.core/str "#unrepl/bigdec "res))  (clojure.core/->> res clojure.core/type clojure.core/str (clojure.core/re-find #"BigInt"))  (clojure.core/symbol (clojure.core/str "#unrepl/bigint "res))  :else res)]  ['tooling$eval-res 'G__2 {:result (clojure.core/pr-str res)}])  (catch System.Exception e  ['tooling$eval-res 'G__2 {:error (clojure.core/pr-str e)}])) 
#object[Namespace 0x3629912d "sample"]
[tooling$eval-res G__2 {:result "#'sample/a"}]


i guess as long as one uses full-qualified names, clojure.core things should be available.

mauricio.szabo 2019-11-06T02:14:52.221800Z

If something is required at least once, they become available with their full-qualified names 🙂

mauricio.szabo 2019-11-06T02:15:26.222400Z

Now I'm trying to cut some strange code that are appearing when I evaluate code...




since there is a connection to the socket repl, i guess it's safe to assume clojure.core has been (mostly?) loaded

mauricio.szabo 2019-11-06T02:25:07.224900Z

Yes, so far it seems like so...

mauricio.szabo 2019-11-06T02:25:23.225400Z

there are so many strange things happening on different REPLs that I'm not betting on it 😄

mauricio.szabo 2019-11-06T02:26:04.225900Z

(for example, in-ns in ClojureScript is bizarre....)



mauricio.szabo 2019-11-06T03:13:28.227400Z

Also, I just discovered that load-file in CLJS also suffers from the same problem...

dpsutton 2019-11-06T03:21:17.228Z

i'm copying the lein invocation from and i'm getting

[dan@fedora queue]$ JVM_OPTS='-Dclojure.server.myrepl={:port,5556,:accept,clojure.core.server/repl}' lein trampoline repl
ClassCastException java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Number
	nrepl.server/start-server/addr--1161 (server.clj:120)
	nrepl.server/start-server (server.clj:128)
	nrepl.server/start-server (server.clj:96)
	reply.eval-modes.nrepl/get-connection (nrepl.clj:158)
	reply.eval-modes.nrepl/get-connection (nrepl.clj:156)

dpsutton 2019-11-06T03:22:25.228500Z

the example for clj works correctly for me though

seancorfield 2019-11-06T03:29:35.229100Z

@dpsutton That error is coming from nREPL, not the Clojure Socket REPL (just FYI)

seancorfield 2019-11-06T03:30:06.229800Z

And that command works for me -- so perhaps some problem with your project.clj or maybe ~/.lein/profiles.clj?

dpsutton 2019-11-06T03:30:20.230200Z

thanks @seancorfield. hmm. i thought i had emptied those 🙂 rookie mistake if not ha


i'm getting the same error output, fwiw

dpsutton 2019-11-06T03:32:30.231Z

hmm, no ~/.lein/profiles.clj file for me


my is pretty blank

dpsutton 2019-11-06T03:32:42.231700Z

is there a system one lurking anywhere? I always forget


or close to anyway

seancorfield 2019-11-06T03:33:07.232300Z

FWIW, that's with lein 2.8.1 on OpenJDK 8 in a random example project.

dpsutton 2019-11-06T03:33:26.232800Z

i'm 2.9.1. let me downgrade

seancorfield 2019-11-06T03:33:26.232900Z

I have no ~/.lein/profiles.clj file.


here it was w/ lein 2.9.1


tried both openjdk 8 and adoptopenjdk 11

dpsutton 2019-11-06T03:34:03.233700Z

works with lein 2.8.1 broken lein 2.9.1

seancorfield 2019-11-06T03:34:53.234500Z

I haven't upgraded Leiningen for ages because so much stuff seemed to be breaking for other people 😐

dpsutton 2019-11-06T03:34:54.234600Z

welp, time to debug nrepl. thanks for the datapoint though @seancorfield

seancorfield 2019-11-06T03:36:01.235800Z

(this is yet another instance of why I'm glad I've stopped using nREPL and tooling built on it -- the move out of Contrib and the renaming and ripples it caused have been -- and continue to be -- quite disruptive, it appears)

seancorfield 2019-11-06T03:36:36.236400Z

I've seen a number of people have problems with Leiningen 2.9.x and downgrade to 2.8.x and it's fine ¯\(ツ)


nice to be able to downgrade 🙂


w/o trampoline works here


and connecting via socket repl from chlorine w/ eval selection worked too


may be it's worth mentioning that trampoline + lein 2.9.x might have issues in

mauricio.szabo 2019-11-06T03:45:32.239600Z

Yes, I'll just remove the trampoline part, seems that it's a regression (I remember having the same problem with some older version of lein)

dpsutton 2019-11-06T03:46:14.240Z

seems like reply is calling start server with port "0" instead of nil or 0

mauricio.szabo 2019-11-06T03:53:20.241800Z

Another issue, now with Clojure.CLR: I was debugging why Chlorine is not rendering the exception correctly... and just discovered that #error, on ClojureCLR, just returns an invalid map 😞

mauricio.szabo 2019-11-06T03:53:39.242200Z

The keyword :message is empty, so there's an odd number of arguments


which version of clojure clr are you testing with?

mauricio.szabo 2019-11-06T04:03:48.242800Z



i mean, when you do _*clojure-version_* what do you see?


is it 1.9.x or something off of the master branch?

mauricio.szabo 2019-11-06T04:05:30.244Z



ok -- if you tell me exactly what code, i can try to see what happens for something close to 1.10

mauricio.szabo 2019-11-06T04:08:50.245Z

(try (throw (ex-info "FOO" {}))
  (catch Exception e e))


for something on master (1.10 snapshot), i get:

#error {
 :cause "FOO"
 :data {}
 [{:type clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
   :data {}
   :at [System.Diagnostics.StackFrame invokeStatic "NO_FILE" 0]}]
 [[System.Diagnostics.StackFrame invokeStatic "NO_FILE" 0]]}

mauricio.szabo 2019-11-06T04:09:48.246200Z

On my REPL it returns #error {:cause "FOO" :data {} :via [:message :data {} :trace [....]]}

mauricio.szabo 2019-11-06T04:10:10.246700Z

Yes, the same invalid map... 😞


i see the problem in core_print.clj

mauricio.szabo 2019-11-06T04:13:45.247500Z

By the way, tomorrow I'll try to release a new version with these changes:

👍 1

is missing


looking forward to trying out the ones i haven't 🙂

seancorfield 2019-11-06T04:39:05.249600Z

@sogaiu I reported that on JIRA for you


@seancorfield tyvm!


i think the discovery was by mauricio.szabo though :)

seancorfield 2019-11-06T04:41:17.251200Z

Updated 🙂


thanks again :)

borkdude 2019-11-06T07:33:30.252100Z


henrik 2019-11-06T11:43:25.252300Z

Does the latest Chlorine print UUIDs weirdly?

mauricio.szabo 2019-11-06T11:56:01.254100Z

I didn't change that code, but I'll look at it and add a test case and fix it :)

👍 1
henrik 2019-11-06T13:18:27.255200Z

Can you reproduce it?

mauricio.szabo 2019-11-06T13:19:19.255400Z

Yes, I can. I think it was some change in some clojure version...

henrik 2019-11-06T13:20:16.255900Z

Ah, that might be it.

mauricio.szabo 2019-11-06T22:02:50.257200Z

Just published a new Chlorine version, fixing problems with evaluation on ClojureCLR, adding support for load-file in ClojureCLR (didn't test on Windows yet), and fixing the UUID issue too 🙂


success with load file followed by eval selection with clojure clr :thumbsup:

mauricio.szabo 2019-11-06T22:16:13.258700Z

Great! If things become more stable with this new code, I hope I can simplify the current code for REPL connection and other issues 🙂


i have my fingers crossed 🤞


ooo, load file works with babashka too 🙂


is there an easy way to test delayed sending of the second form when connecting? the first form is a reader conditional, and the second form is the keyword :using-unknown-repl. i'd like to send the second one possibly after receiving the response for the reader conditional.


to give some background, i'm testing with arcadia -- and although there are packets flowing to arcadia / unity and prompts coming back, there are no evaluation results. the socket repl there is a bit customized. may be there are timing issues.


manually sending the same reader conditional sequence followed by the keyword via nc works.