
About Chlorine for Atom and Clover for VS Code: and
sparkofreason 2019-12-18T19:50:45.002600Z

When copying output to the clipboard, it is only copying the currently untruncated visible text, minus the .... So, if the actual value is "foo bar baz", but "foo bar..." is displayed, then "foo bar" is what is copied. That may be by design, since I can see cases where that would be useful. Is there a way to copy the full expression without manually expanding all of the ellipses?

mauricio.szabo 2019-12-18T19:52:57.004400Z

Unfortunately, no. There's no way (today, at least) to automatically expand, and there are some edge cases too (like infinite ranges)

sparkofreason 2019-12-18T19:54:06.005900Z


mauricio.szabo 2019-12-18T19:54:19.006200Z

There may be a way to, let's say, limit for 100 expansions or something, but this needs to be implemented. There's also recursive code that needs to be expanded (for example, (map range (range)), and lots of other edge cases 😞

sparkofreason 2019-12-18T19:57:26.008100Z

Yeah, probably not worth the effort in the general case. I would guess there is no way to reliably distinguish between fully-realized data like strings or vectors vs lazy results.

Adrian Smith 2019-12-18T21:48:36.008700Z

Hey was wondering what refresh mode does in Chlorine?

mauricio.szabo 2019-12-18T21:51:52.009700Z

The config, you say? On Chlorine, you can refresh the current code using or with (require [<namespace> :reload :all]).

mauricio.szabo 2019-12-18T21:52:35.010700Z

The first is called "full refresh" and the second, "simple refresh". The config toggle between both. Or, you can use the command Chlorine: Load File to load the current file on the REPL

Adrian Smith 2019-12-18T22:37:04.012900Z

oh I see I seem to get a crash on the, Could not locate clojure/tools/namespace/repl sorry for the naive question but how do I include that?

Adrian Smith 2019-12-18T22:37:48.013500Z

the simple mode works, it's pretty cool to play with but figure the namespace/repl one is worth trying to get working too

mauricio.szabo 2019-12-18T22:39:55.014600Z

You can add [org.clojure/tools.namespace "0.2.11"] on your dependencies, or on the file ~/.lein/profiles.clj under :dependencies

mauricio.szabo 2019-12-18T22:40:15.015100Z

If you use clj, you can add it on ~/.clojure/deps.edn, with the key org.clojure/tools.namespace {:mvn/version "0.2.11"}

mauricio.szabo 2019-12-18T22:42:01.016800Z

The "full mode" is a bit complicated to get it right (lots of libraries / apps don't support it right) but when you use multimethods, protocols, or libraries like clara-rules sometimes it pays of. There are ways to make it work with "simple refresh" and "load file" too, if you prefer to go that path 😄

Adrian Smith 2019-12-18T22:45:17.017300Z

nice got it working with deps thank you

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