So, in an attempt to eval more during development I’m finally trying to set up keyboard shortcuts 😋 Have to ask, though... what is a block in Clj land? In the context of Chlorine commands, that is.
A block in Chlorine is just when a paren / bracket opens, until it closes
There are some peculiarities in Chlorine, most of then were deliberate.
For example, '(+ 1 2)
will consider the quotes as part of the block
But (quote (+ 1 2))
will try to evaluate the addition of you ask to evaluate block while your selection is inside the inner block
Thanks! I’ll play around 🙂
Just started playing with connecting Chlorine to a Shadow-CLJS repl. I am running into an issue where connect embedded
returns a notification in Atom: File shadow-cljs.edn not found
The steps I am running:
1. basic shadow-cljs app is setup
2. Run npx shadow-cljs watch app
(works as expected)
3. In Atom: connect Clojure Socket REPL (I have to manually add the socket repl port, but it connects…is it supposed to auto detect?)
4. Visit http://localhost:8020/ (the app)
5. Visit http://localhost:9630/ (the shadow-cljs UI)
6. In Atom: connect Embedded
Step 4 fails with the message: File shadow-cljs.edn not found
I did randomly get it to work once, but never again 😞
Atom version: 1.42.0 Chlorine version: 0.3.9 Shadow-CLJS CLI version: 2.8.83
i just tried with the same atom, chlorine, and shadow-cljs versions for: the following seems to work here: 0. clone, install, etc. 1. cd re-frame 2. npm install 3. npx shadow-cljs watch app 4. # open http://localhost:8280/ in browser 5. # start atom and open re-frame folder 6. # via atom command palette: Chlorine: Connect Socket Repl 7. # via atom command palette: Chlorine: Connect Embedded 8. # choose app in dialog i don't know which project you are trying, but i noticed that the port number for the http url appears different
I will give ^^ a try.
@tkjone Chlorine searches for a shadow-cljs.edn file on the root of the project. How are you running atom?
I usually just open atom from the CLI or from the dock and then manually open dirs, or drag dirs into the editor :thinking_face:
Yup. I totally see what you’re saying
The issue was that the app I am running is nested in another dir and I had the parent dir loaded in Atom, vs the actual app dir directly loaded at the top level
i've done this before 🙂