
About Chlorine for Atom and Clover for VS Code: and
fabrao 2020-04-08T01:28:53.082800Z

Hello all, I´m trying to use chlorine:go-to-var-definition but it fails and is getting a crazy path.

fabrao 2020-04-08T01:29:43.083500Z

is that because I´m using alias/function mode?

mauricio.szabo 2020-04-08T01:32:36.083600Z

What's the path you're getting?

fabrao 2020-04-08T01:37:43.083800Z


fabrao 2020-04-08T01:39:47.084100Z

It seems that is concat path from 2 projects

fabrao 2020-04-08T01:40:15.084300Z

I included 2 folders of 2 projects

fabrao 2020-04-08T01:40:21.084500Z

in atom

mauricio.szabo 2020-04-08T01:46:57.084800Z

Uhn, never tested the feature with multi folders... I'll check here what happens.

fabrao 2020-04-08T01:58:27.085Z

A silly question, how do I clean all the evaluate values ?

fabrao 2020-04-08T02:09:42.085500Z

@seancorfield I used your keybinds 🙂. So you don´t clean you inlines?

'atom-workspace atom-text-editor:not([mini])':

  'ctrl-; ; b':     'chlorine:teste'
  'ctrl-; b':       'sean:inspect-block'
  'ctrl-; B':       'sean:inspect-top-block'
  'ctrl-; c':       'chlorine:break-evaluation'
  'ctrl-; d':       'chlorine:doc-for-var'
  'ctrl-; D':       'sean:def-binding'
  'ctrl-; e':       'chlorine:disconnect'
  'ctrl-; f':       'chlorine:load-file'
  'ctrl-; j':       'sean:inspect-java'
  'ctrl-; k':       'chlorine:clear-console'
  'ctrl-; n':       'sean:inspect-ns'
  'ctrl-; s':       'sean:inspect-selection'
  'ctrl-; S':       'chlorine:source-for-var'
  'ctrl-; t':       'chlorine:run-test-for-var'
  'ctrl-; v':       'sean:inspect-var'
  'ctrl-; x':       'chlorine:run-tests-in-ns'
  'ctrl-; y':       'chlorine:connect-clojure-socket-repl'
  'ctrl-; .':       'chlorine:go-to-var-definition'

seancorfield 2020-04-08T02:10:03.085700Z

Visit that link again.

seancorfield 2020-04-08T02:10:28.085900Z

Compare it to what you have. You haven't updated your keymap since I updated mine 🙂

fabrao 2020-04-08T02:10:59.086100Z

yes, 11 days ago

seancorfield 2020-04-08T02:12:03.086300Z

That link goes directly to the line that solves your problem.

fabrao 2020-04-08T02:14:56.086500Z

yes, thanks

niclasnilsson 2020-04-08T06:50:19.086700Z

Pity! In general one would hope that teletype would work for any window, not just the one you’re typing in, but it doesn’t seem to be like that.

fabrao 2020-04-08T20:36:09.087300Z

@mauricio.szabo so, is it a bug about wrong path?

seancorfield 2020-04-08T20:55:27.087900Z

@fabrao How did you start your REPL? Via cmd/powershell or via WSL?

fabrao 2020-04-08T20:55:46.088100Z


seancorfield 2020-04-08T20:58:02.089400Z

I wonder if it's some artifact of how your dependencies are set up? You're using CLI/`deps.edn`?

fabrao 2020-04-08T20:59:32.090100Z


seancorfield 2020-04-08T20:59:57.090600Z

How do those two projects relate to each other? (Monitoracao\baytinela and bayconfig)

fabrao 2020-04-08T21:01:02.092400Z

no relationship btw them

seancorfield 2020-04-08T21:01:16.092900Z

(I use Atom/Chlorine on both Mac and Windows with multiple projects open and have never seen go-to-var-definition mess up like that -- and I use PS for starting my REPL on Windows mostly)

mauricio.szabo 2020-04-08T21:01:42.093500Z

Hi, I was checking if there's any code on goto-var-definition that uses the project's folders, and I didn't find anything... Are you using a Clojure REPL, or ClojureScript, ClojureCLR?

fabrao 2020-04-08T21:02:31.093700Z

I start with clj -J'-Dclojure.server.repl={:port,5555,:accept,clojure.core.server/repl}'

fabrao 2020-04-08T21:02:44.093900Z

connect to it

mauricio.szabo 2020-04-08T21:03:57.094600Z

Can you try to re-start Atom with only one directory for the project, issue goto-var definition again, and check if the problem persist?

fabrao 2020-04-08T21:10:30.095100Z

restart repl too?

fabrao 2020-04-08T21:10:49.095700Z

I did without repl restart and the same problem

mauricio.szabo 2020-04-08T21:11:37.096200Z

Try to restart it. See if it changes anything

fabrao 2020-04-08T21:13:30.096400Z

same o

fabrao 2020-04-08T21:14:31.096800Z


mauricio.szabo 2020-04-08T21:15:09.097100Z

Are these ***** on the path too?

mauricio.szabo 2020-04-08T21:15:39.097500Z

Also, what's the path of the project?

fabrao 2020-04-08T21:16:43.098Z

That´s our customer name, I have to hide

mauricio.szabo 2020-04-08T21:17:39.099100Z

Ok, no worries. I liteally just wanted to see if the directory was messing up so far that it was adding invalid chars on the path 😄

fabrao 2020-04-08T21:18:55.100400Z

hehe, no, the path is ok with it

mauricio.szabo 2020-04-08T21:19:42.101Z

Okay, so... can you evaluate (replacing your-fn-name with the name of the var you're trying to go to defintion):

(:file (meta #'your-fn-name))
And send the result here? You can redact the path name, no worries 🙂

mauricio.szabo 2020-04-08T21:20:38.101400Z

Also, evaluate:

(keys (meta #'your-fn-name))

fabrao 2020-04-08T21:21:24.101900Z

uim/comm.clj and (:arglists :line :column :file :name :ns)

mauricio.szabo 2020-04-08T22:04:06.102500Z

Okay, one more thing: can you evaluate, please:

 (.getResource (clojure.lang.RT/baseLoader)

mauricio.szabo 2020-04-08T22:07:43.102900Z

I believe this is the last thing I'll ask 🙂

fabrao 2020-04-08T22:17:21.103200Z


fabrao 2020-04-08T22:17:52.103600Z

@mauricio.szabo no problem, anything you want to contribute