
About Chlorine for Atom and Clover for VS Code: and
fabrao 2020-05-08T03:38:18.396300Z

Hello all, I don´t know if is it a bug but ...

(ns app.core
  (:require [mount.core :as mount]
            [app.config :refer [config]])) -> [{:config {:bancos ...}}]

  config -> nil

fabrao 2020-05-08T03:39:47.396900Z

evaluating config in different ways, diff results

seancorfield 2020-05-08T04:01:18.399400Z

I just remembered that it's hard to eval just a single var inside an expression like that because "current form" expands to the parens around it, so you get (comment config) which is nil.

seancorfield 2020-05-08T04:01:51.400Z

Maybe you can double-click config and evaluate selection @fabrao?

seancorfield 2020-05-08T04:02:32.400800Z

(I use my inspect-var in cases like this, so it sends (var config) to REBL which displays the value and any metadata etc)

fabrao 2020-05-08T04:04:24.401100Z

your inspect selection works

fabrao 2020-05-08T04:05:23.401800Z

but sean:inspect-block I think this go to comment block

seancorfield 2020-05-08T04:05:46.402300Z

Yes, as does Chlorine's built-in evaluate-block -- which is what I said above.

seancorfield 2020-05-08T04:05:57.402600Z

inspect-var is different.

fabrao 2020-05-08T04:06:33.403300Z

(comment [config]) -> work !?!?

seancorfield 2020-05-08T04:07:02.404Z

Of course, because "current form" expands to the parentheses (again, as I said above).

fabrao 2020-05-08T04:07:04.404200Z

well, I can use it with []

fabrao 2020-05-08T04:07:14.404400Z


seancorfield 2020-05-08T04:07:25.404700Z

Are you using Cognitect's REBL?

fabrao 2020-05-08T04:07:55.405200Z

regular Chlorine REPL

seancorfield 2020-05-08T04:08:09.405500Z

Ah, REBL brings so much useful stuff...

seancorfield 2020-05-08T04:08:39.406200Z

I hope to find time tomorrow to put up a new video on YouTube showing how I use it (to go with the three that I put up months ago)

fabrao 2020-05-08T04:10:00.407300Z

I saw your video about REBL, but I switch from Emacs and I didn´t have time to use it yet

fabrao 2020-05-08T04:11:51.408100Z

I´m working hard with Lacinia GraphQL now and it´s fulling my time :-)

fabrao 2020-05-08T04:14:07.408900Z

and I had to use this

(defn- encode-string [valor encode]
  (String. (.getBytes valor encode)))

(defn- string->utf8 [valor]
  (encode-string valor "UTF-8"))

(defn- convert-strings [linha campos]
  (reduce #(assoc %1 %2 (string->utf8 (%2 linha))) linha campos))
for converting "strange" chars from SQLSERVER database

mauricio.szabo 2020-05-08T14:03:08.409300Z

If only REBL would work with ClojureScript... :thinking_face:

vlaaad 2020-05-08T14:06:18.409500Z

REBL can work with cljs

vlaaad 2020-05-08T14:06:54.409700Z

via prepls

vlaaad 2020-05-08T14:07:55.410500Z

no fancy datafy/nav stuff because of the process boundary, but it can show deserialized evaluation results

vlaaad 2020-05-08T14:12:48.412100Z

For the curious: 1. start a cljs prepl (like that: clj -Sdeps '{:deps {org.clojure/clojurescript {:mvn/version "1.10.758"}}}' -J-Dclojure.server.cljs-prepl='{:port 50505 :accept cljs.server.browser/prepl}') 2. in a repl with rebl on the classpath, evaluate this:

(cognitect.rebl/ui :proc
                      "localhost" 50505
                      %1 %2
                      :valf (partial clojure.edn/read-string {:default tagged-literal})))

👀 1
mauricio.szabo 2020-05-08T18:13:01.412900Z

I saw that there were some problems with PREPL over Shadow-CLJS or Figwheel, do you know if they still happen?

vlaaad 2020-05-08T18:13:49.413100Z

No I don't know

👍 1