
A channel dedicated to the Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks (aka CIDER). :cider:
dominicm 2020-07-22T06:31:43.466100Z

The edge docs are more useful. It's a repo you clone, and build your application in. The idea is that the "framework" can be modified very easily. So there's never a blocker to going to production. There's a small template which helps you create an application within the repo.

Quentin Le Guennec 2020-07-22T09:26:50.467500Z

Hello, cider-jack-in-clj fails because lein cannot download a dependency, even though that dependency is already in my local maven repositories. Any idea?

practicalli-john 2020-07-22T11:08:06.467900Z

Does it fail to download the library when using lein deps ? Do you have an old version of Leiningen? Can you start a REPL outside of CIDER with Leiningen? Does the library exist on Maven Central or Clojars?

Carmine Casciato 2020-07-22T13:12:55.468100Z

for whatever reason, I have to run clojure in the directory first, then I can jack in

dominicm 2020-07-22T13:46:44.468300Z

Is it a snapshot?

Quentin Le Guennec 2020-07-22T14:26:53.468500Z

I deleted ~/.m2/repository/repo_xxx/_remote.repositories and it solved the issue