The edge docs are more useful. It's a repo you clone, and build your application in. The idea is that the "framework" can be modified very easily. So there's never a blocker to going to production. There's a small template which helps you create an application within the repo.
Hello, cider-jack-in-clj fails because lein cannot download a dependency, even though that dependency is already in my local maven repositories. Any idea?
Does it fail to download the library when using lein deps
Do you have an old version of Leiningen?
Can you start a REPL outside of CIDER with Leiningen?
Does the library exist on Maven Central or Clojars?
for whatever reason, I have to run clojure in the directory first, then I can jack in
Is it a snapshot?
I deleted ~/.m2/repository/repo_xxx/_remote.repositories
and it solved the issue