Hi y’all, got a question on .dir-locals
Since I’ve never used it before (i know), I wonder how it is expected to work. I want to select ‘figwheel-main’ as the REPL and "dev"
as the build ID.
I jack in with cider-jack-in-clj&cljs
but then it still prompts me for which repl I want.
I have the .dir-locals.el file in my project root
should I have a .cljs file buffer open before jacking in?
can you paste your dirlocals file here?
((clojurescript-mode . ((cider-default-cljs-repl . figwheel-main)
(cider-figwheel-main-default-options . "dev"))))
also: i jack in using above cider-jack-in-clj&cljs using , \
, my spacemacs binding
(not sure if that matters)
(imo it shoudln’t ;-))
yeah those are only available when the buffer is in clojurescript mode. i always use nil
there instead
((nil . ((cider-default-cljs-repl . figwheel-main)
(cider-figwheel-main-default-options . "dev"))))
yeah restart and give that a whirl
Can cider help automatically add/modify :require forms to the current namespace when an unresolved var from is typed?
I like using clojure-mode
, as it's unlikely I'll do something with CIDER from another type of buffer. Applying the vars to all buffers is not a big deal, but it always felt excessive to me.
@ramblurr I think clj-refactor.el had some functionality that does this. CIDER itself doesn't having anything on the subject.
gotcha, I'll take a look
By any chance does anyone know why my vector of string will be split up to 1 element per line?
volcanoes.core> (first csv-lines)
;; => ["Global Volcanism Program - Volcanoes of the World 4.7.6"
"Basic List of Holocene Volcanoes"
"Downloaded on 14 Mar 2019 at 12:00 PM"
this is in the cider-repl window
@zackteo CIDER enables pretty-printing by default. You can turn it off if you'd like.
@bozhidar how do I turn it off/toggle it? :o
Thank you!!!
Can you jack in from dired? I’m not sure I’ve ever tried.
You can jack in from anywhere, but I always go to some file buffer in the project (typically the project file and jack in from there). That's why I never needed to apply those vars globally.
Yeah I’m the same. Just thinking out loud.
Hi. If anyone is using Emacs Doom and have a few minutes to spare, I'm trying to test this demo repo and the sequence seems off using Emacs Doom (the author is not using doom). I'm trying to assert if doom is changing the cider prompts sequence somehow. https://github.com/robert-stuttaford/clj-cljs-app/issues/2
I use cider-doc
on clojure.lang.RT
. But it does not open with correct java doc URL. Is this an error bug? Do you have same behavior?
I got it, I installed package openjdk-src
and openjdk-doc
. The Javadoc is available now. Thanks a lot @jumar
Perfect; btw. which JDK version you use?
14.0.1 version
I'm using Arch Linux.
Installing source and docs package should also works for systems like Ubuntu etc.
You're lucky 🙂. I have sources installed on my Mac OS in /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-14.jdk/Contents/Home/lib/src.zip
but it doesn't work for me
I used to proposed a related feature request, https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider/issues/2406 You might can inspired from it.