
A channel dedicated to the Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks (aka CIDER). :cider:
ag 2020-08-26T03:24:30.023700Z

I keep discovering CIDER debugger gotchas. It seems it doesn't break in partial functions for some reason, e.g:

(defn foo [a b c]
(def bar (partial foo :something))
breakpoint gets ignored

jumar 2020-08-26T09:21:48.025200Z

This works for me just fine:

(defn pp [x y]
  #dbg (+ (inc x) y))

(def p (partial pp 10))

(p 10)

ag 2020-08-27T16:50:01.037800Z

Interesting. thanks for trying it out. I'm gonna keep an eye. Maybe it's my local setup.

Casey 2020-08-26T07:05:15.024800Z

Running cider-test-run-ns-tests results in a cons: Symbol's function definition is void: first error. I don't see anything in github issues about this.

ag 2020-08-29T05:45:05.114400Z

I just searched, nowhere in cider codebase I see (first) being used, must be some other dependency. run describe-function, see maybe something advising it

ag 2020-08-26T07:25:37.024900Z

first is a function alias for car, afaik it doesn't exist in older versions of Emacs. what version you're using?

Casey 2020-08-26T12:30:04.025400Z



mm something funny going on after the last upgrade

[nREPL] Starting server via /usr/local/bin/lein update-in :dependencies conj \[nrepl\ \"0.8.0\"\] -- update-in :dependencies conj \[cider/piggieback\ \"0.5.1\"\] -- update-in :plugins conj \[com.billpiel/sayid\ \"0.0.19\"\] -- update-in :plugins conj \[refactor-nrepl\ \"2.5.0\"\] -- update-in :plugins conj \[com.billpiel/sayid\ \"0.0.18\"\] -- update-in :plugins conj \[cider/cider-nrepl\ \"0.25.3\"\] -- repl :headless :host localhost
error in process sentinel: nrepl-server-sentinel: Could not start nREPL server: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Options -Xverify:none and -noverify were deprecated in JDK 13 and will likely be removed in a future release.
Could not find artifact com.billpiel:sayid:jar:0.1.0-SNAPSHOT in clojars (<>)


two different versions of sayid in the command executed, and the one it complains about it's another one entirely


lein deps works though, it only fails when I do cider-jack-in-clj&cljs


where is sayid even added anyway? I can't find references in cider or cider-nrepl

dpsutton 2020-08-26T14:20:40.028800Z

there's a CIDER plugin for sayid that you might have installed. its a bit like refactor where it injects itself


ah yes ok I removed it, let's see if it works now


so somehow it was injecting itself twice at least


ah yes it's gone now thanks, I wasn't really using it anyway

dpsutton 2020-08-26T14:24:13.031700Z

are you on doom or spacemacs?


ah cool thanks, and neither my own config


that has grown for more than 10 years, probably doom or spacemacs would be better though tbf 😄


but I'm lazy to change now

dpsutton 2020-08-26T14:25:26.034Z

nah i wouldn't change. often people using those don't know what's gone into the clojure layer which is why i asked


yeah I don't like to not really know how my editor is configured

practicalli-john 2020-08-26T17:24:33.034600Z

I know whats in the Spacemacs clojure layer, as I contributed some of it 🙂 Sayid is optional in Spacemacs develop and off by default

dpsutton 2020-08-26T17:26:08.034800Z

oh awesome!

practicalli-john 2020-08-26T17:26:40.035Z

clj-refactor is also optional in Spacemacs develop and off by default. Plexus added that a while back

dpsutton 2020-08-26T17:32:02.035200Z

gotcha. i thought i remember more things being added by default

ag 2020-08-26T18:54:16.035400Z

27.1 has been released two decades ago (measured in Javascript years), why not upgrade?

Casey 2020-08-26T19:50:07.035600Z

I use emacs from my package manager (Fedora). Usually Fedora's packages are updated rather aggressively. Suppose I could install from source.

Casey 2020-08-26T19:51:00.035800Z

Apparently 2 JavaScript years is a little more than 6 months 😝

practicalli-john 2020-08-26T20:14:15.036Z

Spacemacs clojure layer used to be kitchen sink... but has many more optional packages which are off by default. The Spacemacs clojure layer has a comprehensive set of vim-style key bindings for CIDER, thanks to me :) Doom includes clj-refactor by default, but does not include sayid. The vim key bindings used to be very limited, but seems more have been added in the last few months.

ag 2020-08-26T20:22:20.036200Z

Someone should do a PhD research on the topic.

neilyio 2020-08-26T22:18:33.037700Z

Is it possible to get cider-enlighten-mode working for ClojureScript? Or is it straight up incompatible?