
A channel dedicated to the Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks (aka CIDER). :cider:
deadghost 2020-09-08T14:24:47.099600Z

So I run cider-test-run-ns-tests in and it says No test namespace: because the test ns wasn't loaded in on startup. What command can I use to load such that I can create a binding that will run a command in that will load and run all tests in

dpsutton 2020-09-08T14:30:49.100Z

can i recommend just getting used to evaling the namespaces you want to use?

dpsutton 2020-09-08T14:31:15.100400Z

if you're in a buffer just a C-c C-k will eval it

deadghost 2020-09-08T14:35:23.100500Z

Do you mean: • switching to the test buffer • evaluating the test buffer • switching back to original buffer • run tests I'd like to: • eval test buffer from original buffer • run tests

ozzloy 2020-09-08T20:49:08.101800Z

maybe this is a cider issue, i'm in cljs repl, and the following happens: cljs.user> (goog.object/get gevents/EventType (clj->js :KEYUP)) WARNING: Use of undeclared Var at line 1 <cljs repl> "keyup"

ozzloy 2020-09-08T20:49:39.102500Z

it says the var is undeclared, but also gives the value i was expecting

ozzloy 2020-09-08T20:50:15.102900Z

also, when i run figwheel, the webpage updates correctly, and displays a warning

ozzloy 2020-09-08T20:51:08.103800Z

at the top i have (ns doing-io.core (:require [ :as gevents] ...)

deadghost 2020-09-08T20:53:13.103900Z

I got it working FYI

dpsutton 2020-09-08T21:02:06.104200Z

doubt its a CIDER issue

dpsutton 2020-09-08T21:03:00.104800Z

i checked for these

ozzloy 2020-09-08T21:38:03.105300Z


ozzloy 2020-09-08T21:40:30.105800Z

@dpsutton +1

ozzloy 2020-09-08T21:44:21.106300Z

i've never heard of before, but it makes a lot of sense

ozzloy 2020-09-08T21:44:45.106700Z

another thing i'm surprised i don't see more of: AI support for code writing