
A channel dedicated to the Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks (aka CIDER). :cider:
nick 2020-09-11T17:09:08.122100Z

I have a strange behavior in cider after(most likely after extensive printing/logging) some moment whenever you send a function/ns/region to cider REPL, and switch to repl your cursor by default always placed before sent function/ns/region, so you have to jump to the end of it before you can execute/enter it. It happens pretty regularly but I don't have an exact steps to reproduce it. Did anyone have this issue? As a workaround, I use (cider-quit)(cider-jack-in-clj) but it is a bit annoying

dpsutton 2020-09-11T17:14:58.122800Z

try just C-c C-o for cider-find-and-clear-repl-output

nick 2020-09-11T17:16:00.123300Z

Thanks Dan! Next time I see it, I try cider-find-and-clear-repl-output

dpsutton 2020-09-11T17:19:23.123900Z

yeah usually what happens is that the repl gets a lot of stuff in it and the stuff gets confused.

dpsutton 2020-09-11T17:19:28.124100Z

clearing it resets all that stuff

nick 2020-09-11T19:08:09.125400Z

@dpsutton cider-find-and-clear-repl-output didn't work for me but spacemacs/cider-find-and-clear-repl-buffer solved the issue(at least this time). Thanks again