
A channel dedicated to the Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks (aka CIDER). :cider:
Mitch 2020-09-16T17:30:51.127600Z

Has anyone been using REBL with cider? I'm having some trouble getting the UI up and am wondering if there are any examples out in the wild for me to study

practicalli-john 2020-09-16T18:56:28.128500Z

@mitchell_clojure Yes, I have CIDER running with REBL when using Clojure CLI tools (deps.edn) projects. Will dig out the details... This will change slightly when the next version of Clojure CLI tools is release (in a few weeks or so), but its just substituting -R and -A flags with the new -M flag.

practicalli-john 2020-09-16T19:00:23.129200Z

Yes thats it 🙂

Mitch 2020-09-16T19:00:57.129700Z

You beat me to it 🙂 thank you for the great resource! Should have known to check there first

practicalli-john 2020-09-16T19:03:33.131100Z

I am doing a little refactor for the next release of Clojure CLI tools, so it will look more like But you need to use version or greater of the Clojure CLI tools for it to work.

practicalli-john 2020-09-16T19:17:57.132700Z

There is also Reveal, which has a nice clean UI and you can connect to that with cider-connect if you run the version that has an nREPL server

practicalli-john 2020-09-16T19:19:23.134300Z

I still use the cider-inspector the most, its really convienient and does most of what I need (exept turn data into graphs... but I can to that with Oz).

Mitch 2020-09-16T20:19:50.135Z

IMO, a great config option with spacemacs and the inspector is

(with-eval-after-load "cider-inspector"
    (define-key cider-inspector-mode-map
      (kbd "f") 'ace-link-cider-inspector))

Mitch 2020-09-16T20:20:20.135700Z

brings up ace links on all the values, so you don't need to tab over to them